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Modding Arrows to potentially send targets flying far!!!


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Hi all,


So basically in Oblivion my brother and I modded arrows to have 60k damage and like 500 velocity (whatever units obliv used i forget) , but basically the end result were arrows that would send target hurling hundreds of feet in the air and it was endless LOLS


I'm trying to do the same in skyrim thru the CK and not having any luck with my arrow mods ... wondering why this is?


I enabled my .esp of basically just a redone daedric arrow and changed its gravity, velocity, force and damage to high amounts and no matter what i set the parameters as the only things I can visibly see a difference of in game are the 0 gravity I set the arrows to have and the speed seems higher, also the force is set from 1.0 to 1000.0 and there is little difference, I was hoping to see targets flying like they did in oblivion :(


Any tips if I can create my oblivion flying target madness in skyrim? am I doing anything wrong?

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In CK you have to link your arrow projectile form to an explosion, in the explosion form you can activate ALWAYS KNOCKBACK or connect this explosion to an enchantment, in the enchantment you can add various effects like werewolfknock or whatever you want.


No time atm for a better explanation, have to leave...you could download an arrow mod with effects and reverse engineer it, when you load the mod in CK you can select the DETAILS button at load screen that shows you all edited forms.

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