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CTD on saving/fast-travel (LOTD quests)


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EDIT2: Problem was fixed!


My game has always been heavily modded (340+ plugins, but I've merged many of them and brought it down to 240+), but remained surprisingly stable for a whole month until just yesterday. I've been playing through the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod and its questlines, up until my game decided to crap out whenever I saved, fast traveled, or entered interiors.


At first, I thought it was due to LOTD, so I forwarded the issue to the Devs, but was informed that it was my load order that was the issue, not the mod. So, after a whole day of testing, merging, sorting, and many other exhaustive measures that should've fixed the issue, I am no closer to fixing it then I was when it first occurred.


Now, I am pretty much out of luck barring a full reinstall, which I am seriously saving as a last resort. Any sort of advice, notes, or even a god-given solution would be insanely appreciated.



EDIT: Found the problem is mainly focused around saving my game. If I turn off autosave, I am free to fast-travel or enter interiors with impunity. But saving of any kind leads to an insta-CTD.

Edited by loganX64
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Check if you have .tmp file save bug issue (where your save files have .tmp extension). It causes crashing when saving.

Rumored cause is script overload. Not sure how to fix it but this may help identify the issue

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