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Fun with the GECK


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Go to Special Effects --> Projectiles--> MinigunBulletProjectile


Check the box on the side that says "Explosion"


Select "SmallNukeExplosion" from the pull down menu.


Enjoy your FPS drop.




Looking kind of awesome there, Eugene.


Bonus round Try changing the explosion type to "MegatonNuke"

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That's both easy and not so easy at the same time.


I made a new projectile for my reservist's rifle that turns it, and only it, into an atomic bullet launcher.


Now, you could make a new projectile real easy, but the problem is you have to have a projectile mesh for it.


I guess you could use the frag grenade mesh, I'm not sure.




Setting up a new projectile is easy. Here's how.


In yer esp, whatever one you're modding, load it up in GECK and go to the bottom, under Special Effects --> Projectile.


Right click on the list of projectiles and hit "New"


ID is the name of the projectile, like "LauncherFragNade"

Below that is where the name goes.


Then the projectile type. Missile is for bullets and missiles, lobber is for the fat man (But not the railway rifle, strangely), beam and flame are self explanatory.


Then you have to do the art file. I suggest you go download the FO3 archive utility, and use it to browse the Meshes BSA for what mesh you want. Like the frag nade or whatever. Once you extract it, hit edit and navigate to it in the pop-up window.


Same thing for the muzzle flash, if you want to use one.


I'd leave light and default weapon source alone. I'm not 100% sure what these do, because I haven't messed with them yet.


Leave supersonic alone, that's more for bullets and stuff that goes fast.


Detection sound level is for how easy it is for the AI to hear your projectile. Suppressed guns should use silent, everything else should use normal or loud.


Speed is the projectile speed, lower is slower. (The fat man has a projectile speed of 1500, the rail rifle is 3000)


Gravity is how much drop the round has, I think. I'm not sure, I haven't tweaked this yet.


Range is the weapon range. Note that this is limited by how many cells you have set to pre-load; more cells means you can shoot farther but it gets laggier as the game has to figure out what's going on in all those extra cells.


Impact force is how much oomph the round has when it hits.


Tracer chance is how often it gives a tracer.


Fade duration is for the tracers.


On the right side ~~~~~


The explosion box is for changing what explosion effect the game plays when the round goes off.


Note that you can only do Impact OR timed/proximity, not both.


Hitscan has something to do with how fast the round is shown as getting to target; hitscan on means it gets there instantly, with it off the round has flight time. I guess this only effects VATS; I dont' bother with it.


Can be disabled is for mines, or so it seems. Worthless for a projectile launched from a weapon, unless you're making a mine thrower.


Picked up/pins limbs are self explanatory.


Passes through transparent I dunno about, I'm not exactly sure what small transparent refers to. Windows? Glass?


Anyways, once you're done making all that, you just go back to your weapon screen, and under the ART AND SOUNDS tab, below the model box there's menu that says "Projectile", and you just pick your new round from there.


That's how I did it anyways.

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