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damage to armor hitpoint calculations


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does armor hitpoints take damage equal to the damage formula for character hitpoints or some other formula? i.e. DT and DR reduce damage to armors as well


I am trying to find sweet spots for armor classes, but it all depends on how they take damage. If they do take damage like the player, then for me, Id actually want higher armor levels to have less hitpoints or else they would barely degrade.

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Of course armor does not take a health hit the same as the character. What idea led you to even think that ?


No ... incoming damage is filtered with DT and DR ... then it is dealt to the naked body of U .

But that armor has a health also ... and it has nothing to do with the player health loss.

A separate formula feeds into the armor item losing health / changing condition effecting DT

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is there some other post you are replying too? If not, your whole reply is a presentation undermined by my first sentence that you could have read... how about this


me c u confused, me write mor same as u, maybe help u betur:


player has hitpoints, yet armor has also hitpoints...its trew!

pew pew hurt player! but pew pew also hert armor two

DT DR help the player! me seas hao in every wiki!

but how armor hitpoints leave me? y must it be so sneaki?

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As for the topic, assuming armour works the same way weapons do regarding their item hp. They loose a set amount every time you are hit IF the appeal provides DT.

For weapons for example, each shot causes a drop of 0.2 points of item hp, or durability so to speak. Idk how much it is for armor

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