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Change the bloom in the .ini file?


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Hi, I would like to know how to increase the bloom effect in the .ini file a little bit, as I am quite fond of the bloom effect in Skyrim. I did do some searching around, and all I can find are people who hate the effect! Surely, I'm not the only one who likes it. But, I'm not sure if the process for decreasing the bloom is simply the opposite for increasing. I just want to be sure, that's why I'm here! I don't want to use a mod, as I already have a bunch of mods installed, several of which change the lighting, and I don't want to add more lighting mods.


If a similar thread to this one has already been posted, all I can say is sorry. I have searched for one, but couldn't find one.

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Hi, if you are into ENB, I know there are mods that will allow you to increase bloom. (here is one, not a recommendation per se as I have not tried it, just an example).

Not sure about the ini setting option, sorry.


Yes but, I want to change JUST the bloom. I don't want to use an ENB either. I am pretty sure there is an option in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, I just don't know where it is!

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