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Im having some troubles wth a few mods


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As the title states, I'm having some difficulties with a few mods I'm trying to install. I would first like to note that I am using the NMM, because I lack any actual experience or even basic knowledge of installing mods.


The spiciffic mods I am having troubles with are as follows:

HGEC Body replacer

Sensual Walks for Female NPCs

Sexy Maid of Chorrol


When I attempt to activate and install the mod with the NMM, the application crashes. If I try to use an older version of the mod, I avoid an app crash but it says the mod script is invalid. I understand that my explanation of the issue is vague, but it's all I can explain with my own limited knowledge of the modding process.

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Those mods are all incompatible with installing using NMM. A lot of Oblivion mods (perhaps I should say most) were developed long before NMM and the way the files and folders are organized within the archive isn't done in a way NMM can understand. You could download the archive, extract it to a folder and reorganize the various option into a folder structure that NMM can understand (example is fallpwnsall's instructions found here) or you can learn to read mod install instructions in the mod description and follow them.
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