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[LE] Simple question regarding Nexus mod's page 'Media' creation.

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Hi all.

The last 5 days i've been creating the necessary 'PNGs' and taking screenshots for the mods page, out of 1500 screenshots i carefully and 'Targeted' selected 32, 37 with the PNGs, i finished the web page, but today i notice that picture number 8 is the wrong one... S***... G** ****!.

I was wondering if there is a way to 'Replace' that image without having to delete everything from that point and reupload + re make the web page, the PNGs for the description page are uploaded in the Nexus, at the end of the 'Media'.

* There isn't such an option or i haven't found it yet.

* Why is this such a big deal ?

As i said, they are all 'Targeted' to intrigue the player without revealing too much, and this particular pic has the "Wow... What the f*** is this..." + "Sci-Fi" factor / element.

Thank you.

Edited by maxarturo
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Are you referring to the order in which the images appear in your mod's image section? If so, on your images page (the one where you can add new ones) just drag and drop the thumbnails around. It will change the order as displayed to the end user.

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