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Black Lanscape - InGame


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I have the problem, that every landscape texture is black and the screen gets black after uninstalling SkyRealism - Time and Travel.

How can I stop this

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for one you need to open your texture folder and check around.

there might still be stuff in there that should not be there.


Your game also relies on scripts that are no longer present so even if we fix your texture issues that save is toast.


I wouldn't invest any more playtime on that one.

those scripts could still be calling on a number of functions that are no longer present in the current save...Load order and those producing odd effects


Black Texture bugs are often misunderstood it's not quite a bug but a problem of the texture getting garbled up before processing

Part of that is stress on the Read write capacity of the Hard Drive

You could probably fix that by removeing completely whatever textures you installed in the place of SkyRealism or since Sky.


you may need to use Optimizer Textures.


See if you have the same problem on a brand new start.

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I never had problems with Performance loose or texturs

I play on VeryHigh with 40-50 fps even if my system is an old laptop with

-512 Ram ATI Mobility HD 4500

-4GB Ram 2 Core


But I try to clean my 15GB big texture folder (Skyrim2k, Book of Silence, XCE ...) a bit

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I reinstalled Skyrim douzend times, cleaned my hard drive, reinstalled every single driver, cleaned my registry, pray to steam and I also opened my laptop and cleaned my hardware, but all this doesn't work.

If there would only be a black landscape in the Tamriel Exterior (only there not in the other worldcells)

it wouldn't be so bad, but the ingame-clock stand still.


Since more than a week it's Sundas 12:pm even if I wait or sleep.

Every npc is sleeping inside his house and calls for the guards of I speak to him.

If I turn into a werewolf I can't transform back into a human, because the "transformation-timer" doen't run off.

The sky looks blue without sun, clouds, stars, moon or something.



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