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Placeable Mannequins?


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This would be the most awesome mod I think for me at this stage. We all have certain player homes that we really like or identify with , when using certain characters, but the one thing I have always found lacking are mannequins. Especially if your a clothes wh*%# like me :)

I know Skyrim had one, though it used the old wooden textures, replaced all placed to those same textures and couldnt be affected by other mannequin mods.

I keep looking back in the forums and it sort of amazes me that no one has done this yet. I would even love to donate to someone who could make one for SE, where it didnt necesarily change all the appearances of all other mannequins, or if it did was affected by the innumerable mannequin texture/mesh/skin mods.

Can something like this be done? I am not very good at creation kit and have JUST started to learn but its going slowly. Having a placeable mannquin mod would be so cool for SE. I want my cool homes and 80+ mannequins :)


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Yeah I tried the Mannequin Maker, and while it works, it converts all mannequins into the gnarley looking wooden ones. And though you can change the ones that were there before you used the mannequin maker back to something else, no mods will touch the skins of the mannequins created with the maker. Kinda wierd.

Advanced Mannequins has an enormous amount of bugs even during its early release. When your house renews, the mannequins have a habit of dissappearing, taking the armor they had wioth them and not being able to recover it.

I havent tried the portableondemand but it appears to be SE compatible. I will check it out...thanks

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