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Far Cry

Can my computer run this?


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I use the computer below mostly for Fallout/Dead Island/TES. I also play Spec Ops: TL on it, but the resolution is cranked down to 1366x768.


Processor: i5-3570K 3.4 GHz


Graphics: GT 620 2048MB DDR3


I'm going back and forth about whether or not it can run Far Cry 3 well enough, or if I should just get the game on Xbox 360. I know I need to upgrade the card, but I currently don't have the budget for it.


Thanks in advance for your help!



Edited by undyne777
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Did a good bit of research into the card's capabilities and some ways to optimize how the game runs.


I ended up buying the game and applying DX9, 1366x768 resolution, and medium graphics settings - It runs AWESOME. I know its not running at the peak of the game's settings, but I'm more interested in the gameplay and mods.


I hope this info can be helpful to anyone else with a similar question.

Edited by undyne777
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quite frankly, even on Low settings the game looks fantastic. It really depends on how fast you want the game to run, 'cause when I first booted it up it was on Ultra but about 10fps, so I put it down to Low and it is now a smooth 60.


I had a similar experience! It defaulted to High, but I changed it to custom and had most of the settings on Low and it still looks great.


Also, I have decent sized monitor, so I have no problem running it in windowed mode to make it run even smoother. :devil:

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