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SkyRE Archery


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I recently decided to try skyre to make the game more of a challenge. Im playing an archery character and noticed since i installed the mod instead of having to aim slightly up if i wanted to hit center mass due to the arrows arc i have to aim at their knees to hit the chest. I did some searching and found a thread and the guy said it was an issue with modding arrows and to fix it put the following in the skyrim.ini










The problem now is the bow acts more like a gun instead of a bow. There is almost no arc what so ever. If i want to hit a head shot from low distance all i have to do is put the crosshair on the head. Is there a way to get it back to vanilla type arc without giving up skyre?

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I assumed it was SkyRE based on this from the mod page


"All arrows and bolts have been adjusted to be faster and less affected by gravity. Bolts are generally faster and have better range than arrows. Stats vary with material.


Since all projectiles have varying speed and gravity influence, the crosshair will not help you much. I officially recommend to disable it, for example by using a mod like iHud (see "Recommended Mods")"

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Huh. My crosshair works fine. I am using Immersive Weapons and Scoia'tael Weapons, also DG crossbows. Have you tried different types of bows? Does it happen with all of them? Also, I am on SkyRe 99.21, not 99.21.2, so maybe that is the difference? Sorry, wish I could be more help!
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