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Far Cry

Darker Nights


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  • 3 weeks later...

The island needs to be a lot darker at night. I am tossing this idea out because in my opinion the night isn't so dark like it should be. Plus it would add immersion to the game. I dont know how to mod so I am requesting someone will make one.

Im sure its possible right?

Yes darker nights with more rain and storms i always dream it in fc3

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  • 4 months later...

I also think the night in Farcry 3 is way to bright. I mean I don't even remotely need the headlights of a car.. not even a little :D
And flashlights... why the f*** can't you use your flashlight outside of caves and why can't you go in a cave without one.. it's really annoying not being able to toggle them by hand.
They would come handy when the night is darker and rainy.. maaan that must be awesome... dark night, rain, thunder and a flashlight... 0.o

Please someone do a mod that includes all that :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was searching mod for darker nights but I see nobody tried to do it :( Game is placed in tropic so tropical nights are not very dark but in places like dense woods etc should be dark. This game dont uses proper timecycle it uses predefined cycles and when they switch there is one cycle that makes some places darked but after a while it switches to full moon cycle and everything is brighter. To bad that developers was to lazy to make this game with hardcore mode or something. That auto flashlight sucks. It would be awesome to go through dark areas with many trees around with flashlight turned on. Night animals hunting somewhere and player walking near them... Tiger jumping out from bushes at player... That would be awesome. But developers choose to make this game for 6-14 yo people :( All that wallhack etc. ruined game for me. Now I am playing with realism mod so now game is playable for me. At first try on vanila I just stopped playing because game sucked so bad with all that arcade things. To bad that this game is hard to mod and not all things can be easy moded like for example S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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I agree Darker Nights but not pitch black dark unless you plan on adding Nightvision Goggles also add buyable Nightvision Scopes/Optics attachments for all weapons so that you can mount them during night and take them off during day also longer Day/Night cycles.

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