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Skyrim Mythical Creatures


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Skyrim is full of Giant Rats, Undead, Daedra, Trolls, and Dragons, getting it's Mythical Creature quota down pretty good, but why not take it a bit further? Why not bring back the Unicorn from Oblivion (Yes I know, some mods do this) but how about we move THIS even further, what about a small Herd of Unicorns? I'd like to discuss a decent list of Mythical Creatures I think have some good potential to be added.


  • Unicorns, This one I see working best in a small herd of Three to Five Unicorns, or a few horses, led by a Unicorn. Certain small groves, peaceful areas where Spriggans and animal based enemies become non-hostile are where the herd stops on it's cycle through Skyrim, going in a Counter-Clockwise Loop through Skyrim, probably starting in a Large Grove in Falkreath Hold, where they may also stay the longest, going up through the pass into the Rift, going through about half of the rift, up through the mountains, and down to the Marsh-like area in Eastmarch, then back up through the pass into Whiterun Hold, maybe through the Labrynthian to Hjaalmarch, up to Haafingar, back down through the Reach, and then back into Falkreath Hold. At each Grove they'd stop for maybe Three days, except in the Falkreath hold, where they'd stop for Five, to Seven.
  • Chimera, This I think is open to lot's of fun, most Chimera are depicted as having the Body of a Lion, the Wings of a Bat, Head of a Lion, talons of an Eagle, Tail that is a Snake, and also the Head of a Goat, but personally I think the much simpler route (also avoiding having to have to code Flight in) would be to have the Body of a Lion, Claws of an Eagle, Snake Headed Tail, and then Three Heads, One of a Goat on the right of it's body, Lion in the Middle, and a Dragon on the Left of it's body. This gives the creature a lot of variety in a fight, It can fight from any direction essentially, flanking is difficult, and an approach from behind comes with a Snake to deal with, which can also see you. Not only does this make players have to think much more extensively when challenging a beast like this, the creature itself would have a variety of attacks, the Goat head can produce a Knockback effect, the Lion Head could do a heavy damage bite, possible bleeding, and the Dragon head could spew a weak stream of fire, while finally the Claws do decent damage, and the Snake Head can inflict Poison, also it could present with unique and interesting loot of a sort. I would consider this more of a High Level enemy though, at least Level 40-50 so players have had some time to get ready for these encounters.
  • Hydra, This just seems like a good idea to me, as difficult as it would really be. If your taking directly from mythology, this beast would only be able to effectively be killed by fire, starting with maybe two or three heads, otherwise quick thinking would eliminate the problem involved with the "Cut one head off, and two will take it's place" problem. In terms of a design, I can only think it would be a very Scaled down Dragon, with flight removed, and the front wings replaced with Legs. This also provides an interesting battle mechanic in that, if you don't kill a head with fire, and more heads grow, at a certain point, there will be enough heads that the constant attacking from them will absolutely destroy your defenses. Though as difficult as it would be to implement, it would be very fun to fight, as long as it didn't do too much damage. These enemies should probably only appear after level 50-60. Giving plenty of prep time.
  • Gryphons, why not one more beast flying about in the Skies? And Why not one that also does battle with Dragons? And Why not one that could very possibly be tamed as well? And why not one that could also potentially be the most fun? Gryphons in a lot of fiction seem to be the enemies of dragons, I don't really understand this, but it would be quite interesting to be walking about in the Skyrim wilderness, and come across a Dragon and a Gryphon having a Massive Battle! The Gryphons would have to be of a similar size to the Dragons, I would imagine them standing a bit taller in comparison, as they have Four Legs instead of two. Probably not having a breath type weapon, but doing higher damage with their claws and beak than dragons do, just to balance it a little bit. These could also Scale in the same way Dragons do, Dragons have different types based on your level, so why not have their rivals do the same?
  • Quadrupedal Dragons, okay, to this day I still see people complaining about how the Dragons in Skyrim aren't really dragons, they're actually Wyverns. So this would be good for them. This is one I'd say should only be done after the Gryphon has been made, and physically programmed for the walking and flying, and just use the same code, as the models would be of a similar shape and size. Also, these dragons could replace those guarding the Dragon Walls, because why not? And possibly these ones could be the Tamed, Partner Dragons that we all really want, and that Dragonborn didn't exactly deliver on. They'd also probably scale like the regular Dragons.
  • Leviathan, We really need SOMETHING in the Sea to the north. A Giant Mudcrab, a Giant Slaugherfish, I would take a swarm of Slaughterfish killing me, if only something actually did kill me. Leviathan is just lurking around the edge, as an amusing way to kill yourself, but if you go to a specially added Ice Floe or island, with a new Altar to call upon Leviathan, allowing you to do battle with him, and should you win, he will award you with a Scale or two to use as trophies (like the Eyes of the Falmer, they serve no real purpose but they're worth a lot, could possibly be used for crafting) and a leveled weapon and piece of armor or two.
  • Titan, Think of the Giants, they're only hostile when you get too close, or hit them, what about a similar, taller, and much more Muscular enemy, that uses punching based attacks, causes earthquake shaking status effects, and could possibly attack the Reach every now and then. Then you've got the Titan! What it lacks in Speed it makes up for (and then some) in Strength. Mostly a reclusive mountain dweller, but occasionally is woken up by a pesky adventurer, or the constant Tapping of Cidhna Mine Miners. I would say this should only really spawn if you've been in Cidhna mine, or have encountered it in in the mountains nearby, and even then, only above level 40-50.
  • Golems, Ah, finally, an enemy that isn't meant to be a boss of some sort. Why not add some custom ruins, and in those, along with some of the more rocky mountainous areas of Skyrim, have the occasional Golem walking about, The Golem would be a Stone Variant of the Frost Atronach essentially, While having a few special moves, being able to toss an arm or two your way, and reform it immediately from the spare debris on the ground. Not meant to be incredibly powerful, they should still be a mildly difficult encounter, even if your a high level. They should probably only start appearing after level 10-15.
  • Phoenix, Why not? Aside from the likelihood of burning everything around you to a crisp. Why wouldn't it be a good idea to find a caged Firebird, set it free, and in it's gratitude, it becomes a follower type pet. Where it's methods of attack are divebombing, and leaving a hefty fire damage on it's target. Also, being able to scout out an area with your pet bird (This could go for regular birds as well if they were implemented, leaving the Phoenix as a more effective, special bird pet) you hold your arm out, the phoenix lands, and you telepathically ask it to check out the area ahead, and it flies up, goes forward, and makes a loop back to you, but as it flies, you see from its eyes, or back, and as you look about, a Detect Life type effect goes about, and you can see all the living beings in the area.
  • Banshee, This wouldn't be too difficult, the Wispmother is essentially this already, just, not as imposing, the Banshee could be meant for Mini-boss type encounters, where she uses decently high conjuration, and Illusion Magic, sometimes coupled with Alteration magic, she can inflict fear on you, via essentially the Dismay Shout, can disarm you (rarely, higher for higher levels) and when killed, drops a decent amount of gold, and a fairly high number of Wisp Wrappings. Likely a Level 10-20 type enemy. She could probably be a modified version of the Wispmother enemies, probably sporting darker attire, and more robes.
  • Jormangundr, because no RPG is complete without a Giant Snake. Or a Dragon. Which coincidentally is both in the game, and on this list. I think doing battle with a large snake of a sort would be interesting, if a bit pointless. Consider it a more land based version of the Leviathan encounter. They could even share a Model with recolored Texture. The Catch is, however, Jormangundr actually doesn't commune with you when you beat him, and he also moves around a lot more. Burrowing underground, occasionally, and popping up to throw you around. Could be called up at a specific shrine somewhere in the middle of Eastmarch, Whiterun, or the Reach.
  • Cerebrus, Because the Guardian of the Underworld would make a fun fight. This would have to be ideally a three Headed, solid, colored in texture version of the Wolf Spirit that comes out upon burning a Glemmoril Witch Head, to cure Lycanthropy. Maybe even larger than that. This enemy should be one Unique enemy, that has a banishment like effect, as if it came from Oblivion, when it dies. And it should probably drop a unique weapon, and/or set of Armor, that scales to your level.
  • Minotaur, I think putting this guy in Shalidor's mage would be a nice change up. And maybe he could get out and bother the people of Morthal for a while. Maybe he's even a nice guy, who's just tired of being misunderstood. Probably about the size of a Giant, much more muscular, and ideally carrying a Double Sided Axe, that maybe you can have if you be a nice friend to him. Or be a rude friend and kill him for it. He should probably scale to your level as well.
  • Pegasus, because we need some form of flying mount, especially if Gryphons and Dragons aren't rideable. Or rather, if the Gryphons aren't Rideable, and the Dragon's still aren't very fun to ride. This Unique horse should be able to take a high jump, and run on the air, slowly descending, and you can manually descend with him by jumping again, and should also be immune to fall damage, and be practically invincible, like Shadowmere. Could be rarely found, by catching him as he ran around Skyrim.
  • Others?


That's all I have for now, I hope some of my ideas are well received, and maybe a few of them will be put into use, I'm no good at modding, or I'd try one or two of these myself, I hope to see a few of these ideas used in the future!

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  • 4 years later...

Fun idea. The main problems you'd come across would be animation and skeletons I guess, and maybe some of the mechanics.


The chimera for example, well the snake tail would either need to be static or require very repetitive but simple animation, but I guess you could implement a constant poison effect but with a small radius. As for the type of damage received by the heads, well I don't think you'd be able to differentiate which head was attacking, unless each hit randomly appplied one of the three effects you listed.


And the whole dragon/wyvern thing, I've heard of attempts before to implement this.


However I support this idea massively.

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