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need a little help with skyrim community uncapper and HialgaBoost


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hello :)


im just wondering what hialgaboost does, and im how to install and what skyrim community uncapper does...


im not sure if this is the right part of the forums for skyrim, just guessing at the moment...


i also dont know how to mod .ini files or install mods manually, sort of new to modding...


thanks in advance :)

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I don't know about the community uncapper, but I use HiAlgoBoot so...


HiAlgoBoost means high algorithm boost(er) - Skyrim by default has some CPU / GPU code inefficiencies and bottlenecks which cause the game to run slower than it should. HiAlgoBoost does 2 things to this - it makes the processing quicker by increasing / improving the way Skyrim calculates stuff so things like loading times will be quicker than before, and the other aspect of the mod is a (customisable) dynamic resolution system: in order to help performance and maintain your target / highest framerate then when Skyrim starts to struggle anywhere HiAlgoBoost reduces the resolution that Skyrim is rendered in so that it can cope better with stresses on the system. The amount that the resolution changes can be manually adjusted within the HiAlgoBoost.ini file. The dynamic resolution element of the mod is calculated seriously quickly so it's not like you'll have to put up with low resolution graphics in general, the mod is more orientated around occasions where lots of movement / action is occurring.


To install HiAlgoBoost simply download it and copy all its files into Skyrims main directory and HiAlgoBoost will automatically run when Skyrim is launched. Personally speaking I make 3 changes to the HiAlgoBoost.ini before using it - I disable the skip MSAA if FXAA is detected option (set it to false), set logo opacity to 0 (otherwise you'll have the HiAlgoBoost logo displayed on-screen while playing the game), and I remove the HiAlgoBoost warning on game startup option.


HiAlgoBoost does use a d3d9.dll file so if you use any other mods which also use a d3d9.dll file you'll have to consider and adapt to this, like if you're an ENB user you'll have to setup a proxy library so that HiAlgoBoost can be used at the same time as another mod that'll use its own d3d9.dll file. HiAlgoBoost comes with an uninstall .bat file so if you don't like it you can just run this bat file and it'll remove itself from your Skyrim folder, so I'd say it's worth trying out and see how you get on with it!

Edited by LargeStyle
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ok, thanks :)


i dont use ENB's, so i dont know what a D3D9.dll file is. ive also never used HialgaBoost, but will it boost FPS? im on a laptop ( the only way to play pc games with mods), but its breaking and it sort times itself, i guess. ive been testing how long skyrim can last before a ctd. so far about an hour is at best, or if a loading screen takes too long. when installing, put hialgaboost in the data folder?


but still, thanks :)

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You should see the HiAlgoBoost logo appear in the top right of your screen when you start Skyrim - this will confirm that it's installed and working ok.


If you need further clarification on the mod then here's their FAQ page: Link

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