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I need help!!


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I just got Morrowind and I need 2 know how to download mods into my game and they actually work....

Im not sure how to make them into .esm files. I can download them, but I dont know how to use them in the game.

Also i found sum cheats on the internet to set health, fatigue, and magikca, etc., but it says to type player->then sethealth, but when i do it says sumthin like 'the command......... is not on the 1st line...' and i dont know what the deal is...




Can someone plz help meeeeee???????

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well i can definatly help you out with the cheats.

if you want to... um lets say set your health to 2000, then you bring up the console, and type, "player-> sethealth 2000

fo your fatigue, then instead of typing health put fatigue.

if you wanted some king#d of item... um lets say some glass. then type in the console,

player-> additem ingred_raw_glass_01.

if you wanted something that you dont know the ID of then just open up the tescs and look for it on there.

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Also, for adding items you need to state an amount. So,


player->additem "ingred_raw_glass_01" 10


Would give you 10 raw glass. (Look in the CS to find the IDs of items so you can add them this way). Also, you don't put spaces in setattribute cheats, so:


player->sethealth 1000


Should give you 1000 health.




Go here to get a full list of console commands.


I do warn you though, cheating can SERIOUSLY spoil the fun of this game. Not all people find that, but I certainly did :P


Oh, and I'll just move this to Technical Support... seems a more fitting place for it.

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