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Changing Game Detail W/O Launcher


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I'm trying out a couple of different mods/settings for Skyrim and for one reason or another my Skyrim launcher/configurations screen stops working on start-up now. This isn't a problem as I usually skip this step by running from NMM straight into the game. Only problem I have is I want to change the game detail (e.g. Ultra, High etc.). Any other way I can do this without the launcher, either through one of the INI files or something?





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Generally, the steam launcher only comes up the first time you launch from NMM. You should be able to bring it back up by exiting steam, then starting the game again from NMM.


It may be helpful to know, if you do not already, that opening the options menu from steam will revert your prefs.ini settings to their defaults (at least enough of them to cause frustrations...)

You can make many changes by adjusting your prefs.ini settings, and also your driver settings.

The Geforce tweak guide has many useful and helpful tips. There are a few parts that are outdated, as it is over a year old, but if you have not taken a look at it I would recommend it--even if your drivers are not Nvidia, much of the 20 pages of tweaks are relevant to any system.


Good luck! Hope this helps a bit!

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