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Warspace Extension and Health Issues


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Could someone create a mod for the extension mod that (mod-ception) that deactivates the retarded "units heal for a year" *quote* addition *quote*?

For me its like a fatal hole in the mod which is otherwise brilliant. Or i would at least want a "Heal for cash" option or something (like an additional tech, medigel?) cos the healing time is just insane with a capital I. I just completed the game on normal and wanted to play warspace which seems to make a lot of good to the game, like making shotguns useful, also it makes the snipers gods as far as i can see and Me Likes That ;p cos i always loved snipers. But the fatal flaw which is the healing time just threw me off my chair a minute ago and since that i am trying to find a way to do something about it.

Also i am sorry for the truble if it is just a thing like -> the more scientists = the faster healing or something like that, i only just started but for me it already seems like an incredible gamebreaking error, for i do not want to train billions of different soldiers (cos it seems getting exp isnt faster), and accuracy still seems like mor luck than skill, maybe even more so in the mod, cos either i do not get the flanking or its just bugged (for me flanking is when en enemy is faced by two soldiers for example one in the front second on the LEFT FLANK).

Edited by razadriel
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For flanking, you may check this image and this forum thread (there are links to good explanation in PDF).


To get normal injury times, you can do 2 things.


1. Depending on your Warspace installation, edit values in DefaultGameCore_t.mod (normal) or DefaultGameCore_hm_t.mod (hardcore) from Warspace Extension Installer Source and use Modpatcher to patch them into XComGame.exe:


// Default values are:

2. Open XComStrategyGame.upk with hex editor and search for HEX:

07 CD 01 98 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FD 44 00 00 00 1B E5 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 91 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FA 44 00 00 00 1B 8F 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 2C 02 16 16 A1 19 00 4D 28 00 00 09 00 E8 44 00 00 00 01 E8 44 00 00 90 2C 30

Replace the last 30 with 18, save the file and run XShape to update XComGame.exe. It changes kSoldier.m_iTurnsOut += 48 * iBaseTimeOut + Rand(iRandTimeOut); to 24, if you get shot for more than half your health.


Values listed in both points are from original game.


Edit: typos

Edited by Drakous79
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Cheers :) Glad it works for you.


Injury times are hard to balance. My father undergone a surgery once and was missing in action for 3 or 4 months. But the reality and the game isn't the same.

Edited by Drakous79
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Cheers :) Glad it works for you.


Injury times are hard to balance. My father undergone a surgery once and was missing in action for 3 or 4 months. But the reality and the game isn't the same.

Wow, tough break, hope he recovered well.


I second the OP's request, not asking for a mod, but rather to make a point in being: Early game is the most notorious time this comes into play (but not the only one), since you are due to be hit once or twice (by thin men more than sectoids), and getting a low rank soldier out of the game for 5 months is giving him the red card and removing him from the game altogether. When higher armors come into play, you are still bound to a "lucky crit" from the enemy to get your 12-15 HP Lance Commander (Colonel) down to 1hp = GG top soldier. I balanced it from 14-30 to 10-18 (using the source + compile option from warspace, since all other features are 100% supported and endorsed by me) and im getting more "reasonable" times (~1 month for injured, 2-3 months top for gravely), which is hurtful in his own regard, but it still manageable (one month is not that big of a difference between ranks, and still drives the point home to "watch your soldiers at all times").

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For flanking, you may check this image and this forum thread (there are links to good explanation in PDF).


To get normal injury times, you can do 2 things.


1. Open XcomGame.exe with hex editor and search for TEXT STRING:


// Default values are:

2. Open XComStrategyGame.upk with hex editor and search for HEX:

07 CD 01 98 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FD 44 00 00 00 1B E5 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 91 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FA 44 00 00 00 1B 8F 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 2C 02 16 16 A1 19 00 4D 28 00 00 09 00 E8 44 00 00 00 01 E8 44 00 00 90 2C 30

Replace the last 30 with 18, save the file and run XShape to update XComGame.exe. It changes kSoldier.m_iTurnsOut += 48 * iBaseTimeOut + Rand(iRandTimeOut); to 24, if you get shot for more than half your health.


Values listed in both points are from original game.


Edit: typos

Nice post and investigation about LoS, seems to confirm most theories i had over such issue. Kudos to the planner, it must have taken a lot of work.

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For flanking, you may check this image and this forum thread (there are links to good explanation in PDF).


To get normal injury times, you can do 2 things.


1. Open XcomGame.exe with hex editor and search for TEXT STRING:


// Default values are:

2. Open XComStrategyGame.upk with hex editor and search for HEX:

07 CD 01 98 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FD 44 00 00 00 1B E5 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 91 19 00 4D 28 00 00 0B 00 FA 44 00 00 00 1B 8F 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 16 2C 02 16 16 A1 19 00 4D 28 00 00 09 00 E8 44 00 00 00 01 E8 44 00 00 90 2C 30

Replace the last 30 with 18, save the file and run XShape to update XComGame.exe. It changes kSoldier.m_iTurnsOut += 48 * iBaseTimeOut + Rand(iRandTimeOut); to 24, if you get shot for more than half your health.


Values listed in both points are from original game.


Edit: typos


Sorry if i'm a bit dense, but when I try option one my .exe fil won't run. Most likely because I change its size (going from 14 to 4). Is there a way to resize the .exe or something like that? Obviously I'm not to used to working with hexadecimal numbers :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're right pma1309. You will have to edit values in DefaultGameCore_t.mod or DefaultGameCore_hm_t.mod from Warspace Extension Installer Source and use Modpatcher to patch them into XComGame.exe.


Or maybe use Resource Hacker.


Thanks for bringing it up. Thought the executable is more flexible.

Edited by Drakous79
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