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Sentient Plant Problems


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  • 3 months later...

Hey dude! You weren't on the TTW chat when I logged on today, but I've been working on some environmental art for random various fallout things, and have started working on making pre-war advertisements and whatnot for your mod if your still down. Even then, I was hoping you'd want some of the shi to make a graffiti style art on the walls of their homes/ cities. As soon as I finish these few paintings I'll scan em in and post the non photoshopped versions.

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  • 3 months later...

Alright. I've once again thrown myself into this project. For the past three weeks I've been producing a TON of assets including some weapons, once of which I'll showcase here:










I'm not sure what to call it yet, but functionally it's a plasma sword.


I've completed a substantial amount of tiles for the final levels of the quest/mod which, aside from the textures they use are completely made from scratch. Here's a color scheme for a location making use of this new set:






as well as some some grander pieces






Work on the bridge is very close to being finished; I'm quite proud of this hanging dude (and others like him) which are SUPER optimized from the character models which were posed to create the objects:




More updates to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the first time I have heard of this project. First off it looks great. So I guess this is what you meant by when you accepted my challenge of making a city.

I am thrilled to see that this quest-driven, it is definitely more appealing to play, hopefully you add some quality voice actors to his quest.

I have a few quick questions...


What is this % completed so far for this mod?

How big is this worldspace?

How long is the estimated time to complete this mod?


Anyways good luck, look forward to hearing some updates!

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