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Locational Damage installation


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Hello Community,


I played Skyrim at the release and about two month after. Now that I have some free time, I decided to install and play it again for a few weeks.

Anyway, I am playing it with Steam and the first thing I saw was the "workshop" and the option to ad mods quiet easily.


I tried to find a mod that creates hit boxes into the game, because that was one of the things, that have always been bothering me.


Well, after a minute on google, I found the mod Locational Damage: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12615 .


I have no experience with moding or how to add the to the game. I tried to follow the instructions given on the link above. But there is a tool needed, which is called "SKSE". This tool seems to be outdated.


Since I didnt find any other people having issues installing this mod, I think it might be easy and I just dont know how.

Could anyone explain the process, on how to install this mod ?


Additionally, I was wondering if there is a mod that shows me how much damage I did with a shot or a hit in numbers.


Thank you very much for your help!

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I just found the solution.


For some reason, the problem only occured with the safegames I created with this specific character. The mod worked just fine with every new game I created.


I just needed to deinstall the mod and open the game without Locational Damage active. I closed the game after to make sure the mod is completely deleted.

Than I had to start the game again and create a new safegame without the mod active, to make sure to have a clean safegame without any files of Locational Damage in it.


After this, I simply installed the mod again. I don't know why or how the safegame got corrupted, but now it is working just fine.


Maybe this helps people having the same problem.

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