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A script which refers on player's sex

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I wrote a script on the auto-inject stimpack basis for the custom ingestible to be automatically used and play some sounds when health drops to certain percent. It works great, here it is:


scn BloodPotionQuestSCRIPT

BEGIN GameMode

If ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0)
If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0 )
ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;
PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotion
Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion
Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1




What I want now, is to make the sounds vary depending on the player's gender (female's would be deranged laugh from Violet's cut dialogue, male's would be just some power attack roar).

I wrote this, but it doesn't want to save:


scn BloodPotionGenderDependantQuestSCRIPT

BEGIN GameMode

If ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0) && ( Player.GetIsSex Male == 1 )
If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0
ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;
PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionMALE
Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion
Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1

ELSEIF ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0) && ( Player.GetIsSex Female == 1 )
If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0 )
ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;
PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionFEMALE
Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion
Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1





Any ideas what I did wrong here? Pls explain like to a first grader, I'm not experienced in scripting at all.


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It seems like you forgot to place an "EndIf", it should be above the "ELSEIF"


Also you can shorten your script slightly, take a look:

scn BloodPotionGenderDependantQuestSCRIPT

BEGIN GameMode

If ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0)                                                              
   If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0
      ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;
      If Player.GetIsSex Male == 1
         PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionMALE
      Elseif Player.GetIsSex Female == 1
         PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionFEMALE
      Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion
      Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1
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It seems like you forgot to place an "EndIf", it should be above the "ELSEIF"


Also you can shorten your script slightly, take a look:

scn BloodPotionGenderDependantQuestSCRIPT

BEGIN GameMode

If ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0)                                                              
   If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0
      ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;
      If Player.GetIsSex Male == 1
         PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionMALE
      Elseif Player.GetIsSex Female == 1
         PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionFEMALE
      Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion
      Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1

Thanks man, that totally helped. At first it didn't work, but I took a closer look at it, and discovered that now *you* forgot one Endif at the end :smile: So the working script is:


scn BloodPotionQuestSCRIPT


BEGIN GameMode


If ( Player.GetHealthPercentage < 0.35 ) && (Player.IsInCombat == 1) && ( Player.HasMagicEffect RestoreHealth == 0)

If ( Player.GetItemCount BloodPotion > 0 )

ShowMessage BloodPotionUsedMSG;

If Player.GetIsSex Male == 1

PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionMALE

Elseif Player.GetIsSex Female == 1

PlaySound NPCHumanUsingBloodPotionFEMALE


Player.CastImmediateOnSelf BloodPotion

Player.RemoveItem BloodPotion 1




Edited by dudeapocalypse
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