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Language Glitch


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I would appreciate some help with an issue I have had with fallout 3, and as I did not see any other solutions to the problem, I thought I would make a topic to ask. I'm running fallout 3 GOTY edition from steam with the usual Windows 7 .ini fix. I have installed a few mods, but not many. They are:

The unofficial fallout 3 patch, for each addon as well

FNNsys.esm (time for bed)

Dree Perks

MTC Wasteland Traveler

Tenpenny Ghouls at Peace

Fellout and

Tenpenny Suite Key


While I'm not really having any gameplay issues or video issues, I did notice that the text that pops up when I mouse over a door is in Italian now. Not a big deal, but a little annoying. (for example instead of saying Moriarty's Saloon, the text will read Saloon di Moriarty.) Any ideas on how I could fix this.

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