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papyrus question


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Is there a way to allow the player to change racial powers of his character, possibly using a book that you can read and choose which racial power to add?

Maybe with papyrus but I don't know how to call the racial power, is there something like "GetRacePower" function or something like that?

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Is there a way to allow the player to change racial powers of his character, possibly using a book that you can read and choose which racial power to add?

Maybe with papyrus but I don't know how to call the racial power, is there something like "GetRacePower" function or something like that?

There are two functions that may be of interest:

RemoveSpell - Actor


AddSpell - Actor


Then to figure out which race uses what spells.

I couldn't find any scripting functions to cover this but they can be found in the CK

Object Window>Character>Race

On the General Data - tab you have "Specials" which lists the spells connected to this race.


I haven't tested this if it actually works, but now you have something to look at atleast :)

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First of all thank you for your answers, this is what I wrote:


Scriptname RacialPower extends ObjectReference



Message Property ChoiceMessage auto


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference reader)


int choice = ChoiceMessage.show()


if (choice == 0)

; do nothing


elseif (choice == 1)

; Absorb spell



elseif (choice == 2)

; Berserk



elseif (choice == 3)

; Histskin



elseif (choice == 4)

; Flame cloak



elseif (choice Highborn



elseif (choice == 6)

; Pacify



elseif (choice == 7)

; Nighteye



elseif (choice == 8.)

; Battle cry



elseif (choice == 9)

; Stamina regeneration



elseif (choice == 10)

; Command animal







And the compilation failed with this message:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "RacialPower"...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(15,28): variable PowerBretonAbsorbSpell is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(19,28): variable RaceOrcBerserk is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(23,28): variable PowerArgonianHistskin is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(27,28): variable PowerDarkElfFlameCloak is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(31,28): variable PowerHighElfMagickaRegen is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(35,28): variable PowerImperialPacify is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(39,28): variable PowerKhajiitNightEye is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(43,28): variable PowerNordBattleCry is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(47,28): variable PowerRedguardStaminaRegen is undefined

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\RacialPower.psc(51,28): variable PowerWoodElfCommandAnimal is undefined

No output generated for RacialPower, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on RacialPower


So what's wrong? those variables that it says are undefined I copied them from the ID of the corresponding RacePower spell

Edited by DreusFar
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So what's wrong? those variables that it says are undefined I copied them from the ID of the corresponding RacePower spell

As the error message say "variable PowerBretonAbsorbSpell is undefined"

I thought all spells were already defined as variables that you could use too, but unfortunately that's not true.


You need to play around with properties.


1: Find and select your script

2: Click "Properties"

3: The "Properties for script" dialogue is opened.

Click "Add property"

4: The "Add Script Property" dialogue is opened.

Use the drop down to select "SPELL"(or type it in) as your "Type"

Write pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell as your "Name". This way is "quick" way of doing it which I'll explain below.

Click OK

5: Now you're sent back to the "Properties for script" dialogue.

As you see "Pick Object" is already selected for your "PowerBretonAbsorbSpell"-spell, this is because you namned the property "pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell"

So basically naming the properties p<Spell name> will let the CK pick up the corresponding spell automatically, so you don't have to scroll through x^y number of items. Neat hu? (Thanks bethesta for that one btw)

Click OK

6: Edit the source for your script.

Now you see the property "SPELL Property pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell Auto"


Repeat step 1 - 4 for all your spells.

Then change the variable names you have with these properties.


Hope this helps(and works)

Attached to this post are a few screenshots for your reference



Edited by Plastrader
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thank you again for answering me, I did what you said, and then I put the new book in game but when I open it doesn't make me choose any racial power (compilation succeeds)


Here the script:


Scriptname PoteriRaziali extends ObjectReference


SPELL Property pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell Auto


SPELL Property pRaceOrcBerserk Auto


SPELL Property pPowerArgonianHistskin Auto


SPELL Property pPowerDarkElfFlameCloak Auto


SPELL Property pPowerHighElfMagickaRegen Auto


SPELL Property pPowerImperialPacify Auto


SPELL Property pPowerKhajiitNightEye Auto


SPELL Property pPowerNordBattleCry Auto


SPELL Property pPowerRedguardStaminaRegen Auto


SPELL Property pPowerWoodElfCommandAnimal Auto


Message Property ChoiceMessage auto


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference reader)


int choice = ChoiceMessage.show()


if (choice == 0)

; do nothing


elseif (choice == 1)

; Absorb spell



elseif (choice == 2)

; Berserk



elseif (choice == 3)

; Histskin



elseif (choice == 4)

; Flame cloak



elseif (choice Highborn



elseif (choice == 6)

; Pacify



elseif (choice == 7)

; Nighteye



elseif (choice == 8.)

; Battle cry



elseif (choice == 9)

; Stamina regeneration



elseif (choice == 10)

; Command animal








At end of this post a screenshot of properties window (I think it's how you told me to do but maybe it isn't).


I tried to look at Oghma infinium's script because my book once opened should give ten options as oghma gives three options, so I thought they were similar, but sincerely I didn't manage to understand very much from that, maybe is needed a function for reading books or something like that, I even don't know, any idea?

Edited by DreusFar
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I tried to look at Oghma infinium's script because my book once opened should give ten options as oghma gives three options, so I thought they were similar, but sincerely I didn't manage to understand very much from that, maybe is needed a function for reading books or something like that, I even don't know, any idea?

Yes the properties looks good.


Unfortunately the CK and how things are connected to eachother is a 10000 piece jigsaw puzzle for me at the moment so I can't help you with this.

Have a look at the link Sjogga posted :)


And you're welcome, I'm glad to assist.


Btw, here's some posting tips if you're interested.

the [ code][/ code] (ignore the whitespaces) tag is a neat feature.

That tag will let you
post text with
tab and so on so you can copy paste from your editor.
	but still keep the format.
Good for posting code(naturally) and it'll even add some
coloured text as it was an editor
Either type it manually or select the text/code and use the "<>" icon in the post editor


And if you feel that your code or text is awfully long you can use(click show)



[ spoiler]

(Again ignore whitespaces)

My exceptionally long text here, such as load order or list of mods, or dx diag or.. well...

This tag doesn't have a corresponding icon in the post editor for some reason.

[/ spoiler]



Edited by Plastrader
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thank you again for answering me, I did what you said, and then I put the new book in game but when I open it doesn't make me choose any racial power (compilation succeeds)


Here the script:



Scriptname PoteriRaziali extends ObjectReference


SPELL Property pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell Auto


SPELL Property pRaceOrcBerserk Auto


SPELL Property pPowerArgonianHistskin Auto


SPELL Property pPowerDarkElfFlameCloak Auto


SPELL Property pPowerHighElfMagickaRegen Auto


SPELL Property pPowerImperialPacify Auto


SPELL Property pPowerKhajiitNightEye Auto


SPELL Property pPowerNordBattleCry Auto


SPELL Property pPowerRedguardStaminaRegen Auto


SPELL Property pPowerWoodElfCommandAnimal Auto


Message Property ChoiceMessage auto


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference reader)


int choice = ChoiceMessage.show()


if (choice == 0)

; do nothing


elseif (choice == 1)

; Absorb spell



elseif (choice == 2)

; Berserk



elseif (choice == 3)

; Histskin



elseif (choice == 4)

; Flame cloak



elseif (choice Highborn



elseif (choice == 6)

; Pacify



elseif (choice == 7)

; Nighteye



elseif (choice == 8.)

; Battle cry



elseif (choice == 9)

; Stamina regeneration



elseif (choice == 10)

; Command animal








At end of this post a screenshot of properties window (I think it's how you told me to do but maybe it isn't).


I tried to look at Oghma infinium's script because my book once opened should give ten options as oghma gives three options, so I thought they were similar, but sincerely I didn't manage to understand very much from that, maybe is needed a function for reading books or something like that, I even don't know, any idea?



It appears you have not defined the message box property yet if your screenshot is correct. That will certainly prevent anything from occurring. It doesn't naturally know what message your directing it to, just like it doesn't naturally know what spell you mean. You have to select the property and pick the message box you created. If you include the full name of your message box prefaced by a p (it may work no matter what letter you use, I'm not sure) then "Auto-Fill" should pick the message itself.

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thank you very much to all of you, I have almost done it, only two problems remain, the first, probably unsolvable, is that when I create the options of the message I can write a maximum of 10 options while I would need 11.


The second is that my intention is to give the player the ability to choose up to three racial powers, and once the player has chosen three powers he can lose one of those powers reading again the book, so later he can choose another power (in synthesis a maximum of three powers). But with my script when the player should choose which power he wants to lose if he chooses from the options a power he didn't have yet, then he can read again the book andget another power, so more than three powers. Here the script:


Scriptname PoteriRaziali extends ObjectReference  

SPELL Property pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell  Auto  
SPELL Property pRaceOrcBerserk  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerArgonianHistskin  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerDarkElfFlameCloak  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerHighElfMagickaRegen  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerImperialPacify  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerKhajiitNightEye  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerNordBattleCry  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerRedguardStaminaRegen  Auto  
SPELL Property pPowerWoodElfCommandAnimal  Auto  

Message Property ChoiceMessage auto
Message Property Rimozione  Auto  

int count = 0

Event OnEquipped(Actor reader)

if (count < 4)
	int choice = ChoiceMessage.show()

	if (choice == 0)
		; do nothing

	elseif (choice == 1)
		; Assorbi incantesimo
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 2)
		; Berserk
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 3)
		; Pelle di Hist
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 4)
		; Manto infuocato
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 5)
		; Nobile di nascita
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 6)
		; Voce dell'imperatore
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 7)
		; Occhio notturno
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 8)
		; Grido di battaglia
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 9)
		; Scatto di adrenalina
		count = count + 1

	elseif (choice == 10)
		; Comanda animale
		count = count + 1


elseif (count >= 4)
		int unchoice = Rimozione.show()

	if (unchoice == 0)
		; do nothing

	elseif (unchoice == 1)
		; Assorbi incantesimo
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 2)
		; Berserk
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 3)
		; Pelle di Hist
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 4)
		; Manto infuocato
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 5)
		; Nobile di nascita
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 6)
		; Voce dell'imperatore
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 7)
		; Occhio notturno
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 8)
		; Grido di battaglia
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 9)
		; Scatto di adrenalina
		count = count - 1

	elseif (unchoice == 10)
		; Comanda animale
		count = count - 1




And here again properties window

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