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Construction Set Crashes When I Add Dialog

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I’ve played Oblivion a lot but I’m new to modding. I’m working my way through tutorials and discovered that trying to create NPC dialog crashes the TES4 Construction Set (CS).


Until now, the CS (v1.2.404) worked fine. I’ve used it to create a few simple mods that add weapons, armor, spells, a house and even a five-level dungeon with modified vanilla creatures and treasure chests.


I started a quest-making tutorial and was able to complete all the steps including copy-and-modify an NPC… until it was time to add dialog.


In the Topics Tab, I can add a new Topic without problem. But, when I try to add a new “Info” to any topic (either to the topic I created or a vanilla topic) with right-click "New", the term *Empty appears in the Info field for about two seconds, then CS shuts down.


I can copy and delete an info for a vanilla topic, but double-clicking on the copy crashes the CS.

Farther down that screen, if I try to create new Response Text for an info, CS shuts down.

The same thing happens in the other 6 dialogue tabs (Conversation, Combat, Persuasion, Detection, Service, Misc) which is not surprising since they are all based on the same design.

The same problem happens whether I select a vanilla quest or use a quest I’ve created.


I’m running Windows 10. The game runs fine as do OBMM and OBSE. Oblivion, OBSE, OBMM and the CS are installed in C:\Oblivion to avoid the C:\Programsx86 restrictions. Even so, I’ve tried setting all the executables to “Run as Administrator.” I am the only user on the computer and I am SysAdmin.


Using the Compatibility tab, I’ve also tried running the CS under XP, Vista, Win7 and Win8. I repeated the process using the “Change Settings for All Users” option. Didn't help.


I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the CS. I’ve downloaded copies from three different sources and installed each in case the one I had was corrupted. The same problem occurred.


Lastly, I just installed Construction Set Extender and launched it through the “Launch CSE.bat” file it provides. The construction set started up fine but the same problem crashed the CS. CSE didn’t generate any log files.


Many other people have managed to create dialog so it must work. Is there a setting or a checkbox I’m missing? Why does CS crash every time I try to create dialog?

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The CS just like the game is dirt old and crashes are to be expected. The OBSE plug-ins wouldn't be a prob w/ this, although i would recommend using the script extender as it's about the only major improvement i've seen ... i think it's inactive now though.

just like the game, quirks have some way of working there way into the game and also the CS. an example, i used to be able to use the 'find text' and open form or script directly from that file ... it constantly crashes now ... even after a total reinstall of my OS. certain obse commands i used to be able to use in game, they just error out now.

there are multiple ways to access dialogue forms: character/filtered dialogue, open the relevant npc/whatever and click the dialogue button, or as already pre-mentioned.

i honestly don't think there's is any precise answer you're going to find. make sure the game and the CS are in a unique directory ... i guess ya' could try to load it w/o using obse loader and see if the prob persists, but that's bare-boned. just out of habit i gave all of my game executables: obse_loader, CS, Tes4edit, Gecko, Oblivion, LOOT ... all admin rights.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Little late here, but I once had an issue where the dialogue window would crash the CS if the computer did not detect a microphone plugged in. Itâs a bit of an obscure bug, but I would recommend trying that if you havenât already.
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