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Best mods for a roleplaying charachter.


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Hi fellow explorers of Tamriel :P


While I'm waiting for the Kvatch rebuilt update to be released I was thinking of making a new charachter. However I will be needing several mods :)

And since I have not been playing Oblivion for quite a while, I was thinking that I could ask for help from the community :)


The charachter I'm going to play will be a mage. At first he will learn about the magical arts when he arrives in Cyrodiil (through Alternative start mod) And he will get fairly on with the education. But after sometime. He realizes that his ambition is much much higher then that of a simple conjurer of spells. And this makes him kind of mad. And eventually turns him evil. He learns of an old way of magic that is also evil and then the havoc breaks loose upon the province of Cyrodiil. He has allways been a sinister typ of man. And he was not very friendly in his childhood. And he is a Breton that has arrived by boat to Anvil after leaving his home when his father died back in Sentinel. So he took the first best boat to Cyrodiil to study magic so to speak.

And he loves mead.


So my first question is. Is there a mod that can give me alternative means in the studying of magic part then the vanilla mages guild questline. Because the mages guild is more adventure then magic education.

And I would also need a mod for an evil charachter, maybe even a quest mod for evil mage charachter if there exists one.


So this is it. And thanks in advance :)

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Have a look at Guild Advancement to add a bit more meat to advancing in the Mage's Guild. Take note of the mod requirements (specifically the Brasher mods requirement for Shivering isles). Doesn't make learning spells any more complicated, but the requirements for advancement in the guild are tougher.
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So my first question is. Is there a mod that can give me alternative means in the studying of magic part then the vanilla mages guild questline. Because the mages guild is more adventure then magic education.

And I would also need a mod for an evil charachter, maybe even a quest mod for evil mage charachter if there exists one.


So this is it. And thanks in advance :)


Open CS make all spell available at Lvl 1 reduce price to minimum, then go race select eyes make eyeDremora to playable then drag to race (i.e Breton or High Elves) tab body add as part of eye options save the mod. Download Chargeable Spell mod ingame select all spell available at start. Assassinate someone far from city, take a sleep & those night cultist will come to you, join. Result is, a very bad character with awesome (within logical curve) power & looks.


My first post suggestion here :)


Oblivion gameplay making is flexible. Can be anything you like, just a few click & with given mindset will do.

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