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Silenced Hunting Rifle


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Could someone make a variant of hunting rifle, exactly the same as the normal hunting rifle BUT replacing the extra ammo mag mod with a silencer? Should be relatively quick, however i do not know how to mod a silencer onto the weapon. If possible, make the mods attachable, not attached.
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A hunting rifle to which you can add a Varmint rifle silencer, Hunting rifle custom action and Hunting rifle scope. The rifle is simply called "Hunting rifle" and it is not placed anywhere in the world. Use the following code to obtain it:
player.additem xx000ade 1
Where xx is the Mod index of SilencedHuntingRifle.esp in your load order.
Download it here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=36981289AA98E5D!129&authkey=!AHh-d0e4hOPqZ_I

Edited by TheNeglected
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