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A question about armor parts


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hey there awesome Nexus-community!


I´m working on an own armor-set, own models and textures (as a hint, search the sword I made ;D). I´m close to finish the model and textures, so I can start weighting the armor. No problem with this.


My question is about an idea by me. My armor gets several parts, like gloves, vambraces, tunic, chestplate, boots, greaves etc..., so it contains more "layers" as the normal game have (Boots, Helmet, Curiass, Gauntlets).

I´m asking now if there is a way to have more than these 4, so you could wear ingame first undercloth, tunic, chestplate or first gauntlets and over them the vambraces as an example.

Is this possible?


Thx in advance and sorry for my bad English,


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