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FPS Crash & CK


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Does anyone have any ideas as to why my frame rate would crash from the high 50's/low 60's to around 4~12 fps for no apparent reason? I can be completely still with nothing loading and not in a 'busy' area or in a high intensity area with NPCs all over everywhere - It has no bearing on this FPS crash :S The error appears to occur on vanilla Skyrim as frequently as a modded skyrim.


My GPU is a MSI GTX 660 OC 2GB which should be fine with running this game (and is with AC3 & Borderlands 2 on max settings). Bizarrely it appears to have a 3GB readout on various programs :S

My CPU is a 995BE

8GB of RAM


None of my components appear to be overheating, though I will quadruple check this.

I will also check that vanilla Skyrim also has this problem, though I have just installed SKSE, ENB and edited the .ini files for about 3rd time this week.


I also have a problem with the CK. When I download/install the tool it seems to delete my Skyrim directory file, including TESV.exe


If anyone has any solutions to these annoying problems I will be very appreciative

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