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Putting some Oblivion Items into Skyrim.


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How difficult would it be for me to take these specific oblivion items and convert them to Skyrim items?


Mages robe

Mages hood

Dwarven Guantlets

Dwarven Boots


Dwarven axe



I'm completely capable of stats and all, but I've little experience with Blender and I have Gimp to try to update the Textures, but even with Oblivion I never got the multi-texturing aspect of blender.


If anybody more experienced could just put the Oblivion meshes and textures together and working in Skyrim I'd be glad to finish the stating and work on some High res textures, or if it's simple enough do it all myself, but I couldn't figure out Blender for the life of me, the new version seems easier to navigate but only older versions work for gamebryo or something?

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How difficult would it be for me to take specific oblivion items and convert them to Skyrim items?


I'm completely capable of stats and all, but I've little experience with Blender and I have Gimp to try to update the Textures, but even with Oblivion I never got the multi-texturing aspect of blender.


I couldn't figure out Blender for the life of me, the new version seems easier to navigate but only older versions work for gamebryo or something?


That's a good question. I want to figure out 'how to use Blender' simply for making Skyrim armor. Especially since my PC won't play the game for nothin. I actually want to make new armor to encourage modders out there to stop 'making perverted mods' and make cool mods for the female chars.


Hope someone helps ya out with your question!

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if you did manage to convert Oblivion items to Skyrim, do not upload them, they are illegal but fine for personal use


after some googling i found a site with some instructions, i didn't link the site because i don't know if i'm allowed to link that particular site here but here's the instructions



Required Programs/Stuff


Blender/3DS Max - I'll use Blender 2.49b here.

Photoshop/GIMP - I'll use Photoshop here (it's not really important, this step).


If you use Blender:


Basic Blender Files


Procedure (armours)


Note: it roughly follows this tutorial after step 5. Save constantly.


1. Import Oblivion mesh into Blender.

2. Append Skyrim body and skeleton over to your imported space in a different scene. Scale the armour if it's out of proportion.

3. Tricky part: you have to line up the mesh with the imported body, so that its arms and legs are roughly in the same pose. Manipulate the bones of the Oblivion armour, and when done, apply the modifier in the modifier tab.

4. Delete skeleton of the Oblivion armour.

5. Delete riggings under the Weights tab.

6. Copy bone weights (using the Bone Weight Copy script) from the Skyrim body to the Oblivion armour.

7. Delete everything except the armour.

8. Re-open the downloaded .blend file, and delete everything except the skeleton.

9. Append the Oblivion armour.

10. Parent the armour to the skeleton (select everything (A), right click on skeleton, Ctrl-P, parent to armature -> no groups).

11. Export.


That's the Blender work, I'll continue with the other parts.


and here's a couple more







yeah, its pretty hard to find armor for females that aren't super skimpy these days

Edited by ghostrecon123
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