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GOP Electoral College Power Play


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It's very hard to find any left-wing media these days that sells hate and fear as well as misinformation, but when you look at right-wing media fear and hate and misinformation is almost all you will ever hear or see...


SERIOUSLY? Listened to the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation lately? A constant stream of selective reporting of issues to promote left wing bias and blacken the reputation of the Conservative government (as if they weren't doing a good enough number on themselves...) And I know that left wing media the world over is every bit as capable of spewing out hatred and bile as the right wing.

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It's very hard to find any left-wing media these days that sells hate and fear as well as misinformation, but when you look at right-wing media fear and hate and misinformation is almost all you will ever hear or see...


SERIOUSLY? Listened to the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation lately? A constant stream of selective reporting of issues to promote left wing bias and blacken the reputation of the Conservative government (as if they weren't doing a good enough number on themselves...) And I know that left wing media the world over is every bit as capable of spewing out hatred and bile as the right wing.


Ever wonder why Foxnews is not broadcasted in places like canda? It's Illegal to broadcast lies and label it News according to Canadian Law. Don't see Canda outlawing the BBC or MSNBC or CNN etc....


Yet for the record never watched BBC news coverage because MSNBC and CNN are far better and more informative than BBC for american political news.


Even if Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation is in your opinion a left-wing bias media outlet they are far from misinforming their audience. Atleast the BBC will not straight out lie to their audience without correction.

Edited by colourwheel
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I am not saying all republicans are bad or evil people but the right-wing media is driving thier base into a complete fringe party driven by fear and hate. The GOP has shifted so far to the right it has already started to alienate moderate conservatives and fiscal conservatives from their party base.


You ask why education ratings have been slipping but over look which party is trying to defund education and other programs and undermine public education in general. Uniformed, uneducated people are far easier to rule, yet it's hardly to be justified saying both parties promote this type of thing or hold equal blame. Republican officials in office are already talking about wanting to impeach obama because he used some of his political capital on executive orders yesterday.


Its kinda laughable to even hear talk about a president using executive orders as if he is trying to be some kind of dictator when historically almost every other modern presidents before him have used executive orders almost 20 times more than him.


It's very hard to find any left-wing media these days that sells hate and fear as well as misinformation, but when you look at right-wing media fear and hate and misinformation is almost all you will ever hear or see...


I agree with this. Talk radio provides a huge dose of this anger, and that is a medium almost exclusively utilized by the Right. The closest thing to left-wing talk radio that there is are certain segments airing on NPR affiliates, but most of that is just lame hand-wringing over the loss of education funding and/or cautioning us not to barge into a war with Iran. That or an interview with some random anthropologist recently arrived from a expedition with the Tuareg. Pretty benign stuff when compared to the borderline seditious and extremely charged/violently suggestive yelling coming from right-wing talk radio hosts.


And there aren't American left-wingers on YouTube making videos holding the Communist Manifesto and an AR-15 and saying stuff like "I'm not saying that you should go out and commit a felony--TODAY, but I AM saying that maybe you should be waiting, training, cleaning your weapons in the meantime...." The violent left ended in the 1970s. The violent right began in the 1990s and will only continue to get pissed off as the country changes around it and it realizes that it is increasingly powerless to do anything about it politically. Mainstream conservatives will move on and reorganize themselves after spending some time in the political wilderness, but the "FEMA Death Camp/UN Mind-Control Pills" crowd will likely never come back into the fold.


In the meantime, we've got to start talking about real issues again--like balancing the budget, paying down the debt, and reinvesting in education, infrastructure, and science to better prepare ourselves for the future. These are issues that the far-right has no real interest in solving, as their thinking about the future begins and ends with their inevitable last stand against the UN Helicopters and/or the combined Communistic/Socialistic/Fascistic horde of Obama. It is like trying to get some messianic street-preacher to invest in a 401k account. Unfortunately, these types of attitudes are given a tentative legitimacy when they are promoted by right-wing media outlets, which then feeds back to their media consumers and validates the sense that they are right. They think this because a) it is coming from someone in a position of authority ("their" media) and b) it means that they are not alone in thinking it (the importance of belonging to the group). Unfortunately, just like seeing the ubiquitous Goldline commercials running on Fox News (the pitch-line is: "Conservative [oh double-entrendre] investors have long known the importance of gold), right-wing news outlets are preying on these types of folks, peddling them trash news whilst selling them equally trashy investment schemes, taking their Neilsen ratings and ad revenues back to the bank. The networks profit and their viewers (and the nation) are intellectually impoverished.


Liberals are tired of this dog and pony show--when people discuss crazy right-wing talking points in otherwise serious conversations about difficult issues. Conservatives have good points to bring to the table, but they do us all a disservice by allowing the craziest among them to speak on their behalf. Sure, liberals can be mean and nasty, but you won't find them advocating seceding from the Union, shooting government officials that "come to get their guns," or making not-so-cryptic statements about "starting another 1776" against the "Obama Redcoats." That is the craziness you see on the far-right, and it has no analogue to anything found presently on the left.

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What scares me the most about the republicans in office right now are people like Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant when today he publically said this in reguards to gun reform...


“Criminals will pay no attention to any law that will restrict what they try to do,”


“If they want a 30-round clip, they’re going to get it out of Brazil or the Soviet Union. It’s going to go on the black market. Self-protecting citizens won’t have that right, but criminals will.”


I guess that also means paying no attention to any law including laws of physics... :laugh:


Sure... criminals can go get a 30-round clip from the Soviet Union if they have a freakin time machine. :rolleyes:


I swear I am glad not to be a news reporter. I would have probably just started laughing out loud if I was part of the press hearing something like this from an elected official, let alone even being able to keep a straight face.


This just shows how misinformed and under eductated the right-wing is when the governor fails to even realize the Soviet Union has been dissolved for over two decades and even if the Soviet Union existed today they had very strict regulations on gun ownership far more severe than he probably realizes yet even knows...


Rhetoric from the Right-wing is far more dangerous and misinformed than their own audience even realizes. The fear and hate pointing out from "criminal" will have "rights" that "Self-protecting citizens won’t" mixed with the misinformation about the "Soviet Union" as well as not even knowing how strict their gun ownership laws were. This hardly seems very credible to claim this person so knowledgeable where criminals can gets things from or not...

Edited by colourwheel
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What scares me the most about the republicans in office right now are people like Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant when today he publically said this in reguards to gun reform...


"Criminals will pay no attention to any law that will restrict what they try to do,"


"If they want a 30-round clip, they're going to get it out of Brazil or the Soviet Union. It's going to go on the black market. Self-protecting citizens won't have that right, but criminals will."


I guess that also means paying no attention to any law including laws of physics... :laugh:


Sure... criminals can go get a 30-round clip from the Soviet Union if they have a freakin time machine. :rolleyes:


I swear I am glad not to be a news reporter. I would have probably just started laughing out loud if I was part of the press hearing something like this from an elected official, let alone even being able to keep a straight face.


This just shows how misinformed and under eductated the right-wing is when the governor fails to even realize the Soviet Union has been dissolved for over two decades and even if the Soviet Union existed today they had very strict regulations on gun ownership far more severe than he probably realizes yet even knows...


Rhetoric from the Right-wing is far more dangerous and misinformed than their own audience even realizes. The fear and hate pointing out from "criminal" will have "rights" that "Self-protecting citizens won't" mixed with the misinformation about the "Soviet Union" as well as not even knowing how strict their gun ownership laws were. This hardly seems very credible to claim this person so knowledgeable where criminals can gets things from or not...


While he may have missed a trick on his geo-politics..... the rest of what he has to say is dead-nuts accurate. Passing laws ONLY affects law-abiding citizens. Of which, mass shooters most certainly are NOT.


I would also point out, that left-biased media ARE INDEED selling fear. They are doing their best to portray assault weapons as the devil, people only buy these so they can go and shoot school children, when that is demonstrably NOT the case. They also can't seem to make up their minds just WHERE the assault rifle was at Sandy Hook..... I can find just as many articles saying it was in the trunk, or simply not mentioned at all, as I can articles that state it was actually USED to kill children. I note the local cops aren't really talking about that either...


I don't watch ANY broadcast news. I got fed up with them when I started getting more accurate news from a friggin COMEDIAN........ Now THAT is Irony for ya. :)

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What scares me the most about the republicans in office right now are people like Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant when today he publically said this in reguards to gun reform...


"Criminals will pay no attention to any law that will restrict what they try to do,"


"If they want a 30-round clip, they're going to get it out of Brazil or the Soviet Union. It's going to go on the black market. Self-protecting citizens won't have that right, but criminals will."


I guess that also means paying no attention to any law including laws of physics... :laugh:


Sure... criminals can go get a 30-round clip from the Soviet Union if they have a freakin time machine. :rolleyes:


I swear I am glad not to be a news reporter. I would have probably just started laughing out loud if I was part of the press hearing something like this from an elected official, let alone even being able to keep a straight face.


This just shows how misinformed and under eductated the right-wing is when the governor fails to even realize the Soviet Union has been dissolved for over two decades and even if the Soviet Union existed today they had very strict regulations on gun ownership far more severe than he probably realizes yet even knows...


Rhetoric from the Right-wing is far more dangerous and misinformed than their own audience even realizes. The fear and hate pointing out from "criminal" will have "rights" that "Self-protecting citizens won't" mixed with the misinformation about the "Soviet Union" as well as not even knowing how strict their gun ownership laws were. This hardly seems very credible to claim this person so knowledgeable where criminals can gets things from or not...


While he may have missed a trick on his geo-politics..... the rest of what he has to say is dead-nuts accurate. Passing laws ONLY affects law-abiding citizens. Of which, mass shooters most certainly are NOT.


I would also point out, that left-biased media ARE INDEED selling fear. They are doing their best to portray assault weapons as the devil, people only buy these so they can go and shoot school children, when that is demonstrably NOT the case. They also can't seem to make up their minds just WHERE the assault rifle was at Sandy Hook..... I can find just as many articles saying it was in the trunk, or simply not mentioned at all, as I can articles that state it was actually USED to kill children. I note the local cops aren't really talking about that either...


I don't watch ANY broadcast news. I got fed up with them when I started getting more accurate news from a friggin COMEDIAN........ Now THAT is Irony for ya. :)



Missed a tick?... I would say the governor hasn't even realized the cold war is over.... :laugh: Was never suggesting any law would stop any illegal activities but sure would be a great deterrent concidering him even suggesting "brazil" is kind of a long ways to get a freakin 30 round clip from even if it is "some how" smuggled into the U.S.A. for black market sales.... (cost would probably not even be worth it from that distance. Rather spend my money on a good legal smith and wesson knowing I wouldn't get into legal trouble if caught.)


I don't want to get in a huge debate over gun reform here... but you have to ask yourself why didn't adam lanza take the two hunting rifles his mother had instead of taking the AR-15 and the two hand guns with extended mags? I would guess because the weapons he picked were for lethal intent not hunting or self defense....


Left-wing media does not sell fear and hate like the right-wing media does. Portraying assault weapons as the "devil" is only in your perception. Left-wing media is just portraying assault weapons as leathal tools specifically used to create death and destruction as exactly what they are created for.... These tools are not cuddly stuffed animal toys.


It would be interesting to see a good example of left-wing media distorting truth and lies selling fear and hate.... Because I sure do not subscribe to any.


Going back to GOP Electoral College Power Play...


As of now the republican party has only a 26% approval rating based on the wall street journal's report which is very very very low and only shrinking... The GOP can't afford to do anything more radical than it's already has been trying to do in fear of loosing their approval anymore. Even if what the GOP had originally plan to tilt the Electoral College in favor of their party in national elections it would be a lost cause with their parties current approval throughout the nation.... As of now even some "red states" this last cycle are already being projected to become "blue states" this coming next national election cycle because of the discontent of the GOP recently. The further Right the Republican party moves the more they are alienating even the average conservative constituent...

Edited by colourwheel
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Whilest I see where you're coming from on that, I don't think that demonizing assault weapons is quite on the same level as talking about how you're going to blast federal agents or admonishing people to stockpile weapons for the coming United Nations invasion. One of these is attempting to score political points and enact public policy, the other is out-of-touch with reality and very dangerous. I also don't really see what use a hunter would have for an assault rifle (must be a terrible shot if one needs all them bullets...) when he could use a hunting rifle, but this isn't the Sandy Hook thread.




I laughed so hard when I heard that quote. SO many Republicans reference the Soviet Union even now, it's hilarious. Pining for the good old days, I guess. Also crazy about how unpopular Republicans are. You'd think they'd realize that they're in the hole and continue to dig, but alas, it seems like many of them simply do not realize that they're in the hole to begin with.


Anyway, what do you guys think about the OP? I know that colourwheel doesn't think that it stands a chance at surviving the Supreme Court, but HeyYou what do you think? I know that you don't bat for either political team, so what would your prediction be if one party executed an electoral end-around like that? Would liberals (being liberals T_T) just lie down and take it or do you think that there'd be a major reaction to it, either at the ballot box in the next election or in the streets?


I know that I would have to agree with colourwheel, that the Supreme Court probably would strike it down--lest it become viewed as a 100% political body rather than a neutral arbiter of the law. I think that is a part of the reason for why Roberts voted to uphold Obama's healthcare reforms, as he did not want to sully the already damaged reputation of the Court even more. I think that when faced with a completely partisan decision, it would either abstain from deciding or would strike it down.


In any event, I think that if such a move were to transpire, that there would be an incredible backlash against Republicans during the next election. Their electoral scheme is precisely the sort of thing that would tilt even moderate conservatives to look askance at the Republican Party, not to mention the enormous mobilization it would give to the left and the damage it would do with independents. If they pulled it off before the next presidential election in 2016, they could win that election--though potentially no election after that, ever. They have been dancing on the razor's edge with their voter suppression efforts since 2000, but I think that the electoral scheme would be a move that would get the complete attention of non-minority voters (the targets of said suppression efforts) and galvanize the enormous majority of the voting public to do whatever it took to dislodge the Republicans from power.


Won't lie though, our two-party system is bunk. We simply need more voices in our politics, such as cannot be accommodated within our present political structures. We won't ever move to a proportional representation system unless there is some sort of massive shock to the system that proves with finality the backwardness of territorial-based voting schemes and first-passed-the-post elections for legislative chambers. Our democracy getting hosed by a move such as this might be a nice conversation-starter for reformist groups of all political stripes to get to work hammering out the potential framework of a more workable, democratic, and modern system of government--whilst keeping the best features (strong checks and balances) of the old. I dunno about the rest of ya'll, but that is a trade that I'd probably be willing to make.

Edited by sukeban
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I think you should read this.... --> HERE


Even if the GOP wishes to change the electoral college in "thought" for their favor, I don't think the Democrates are really even worried yet would be in support of the GOP actaully trying to do this...


This is why the GOP is probably not really pushing hard for this kind of thing because it would inevitable make thier party a minority for decades maybe even indefinitely, even as an original plan to tilt in favor of their party to gain political control in national elections... :laugh:


If next national election cycle hillary clinton was to run over even someone like chris christie, hillary would probably win no matter how you splice the electoral maps in any blue state. :thumbsup: I will admit I may not be an expert but I have a good enough understanding about political science to see Hillary would probably win by a land slide...

Edited by colourwheel
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From what I can find, it appears that Maine, and Nebraska, already split their electoral votes by voting district. Supreme Court doesn't really seem to have an issue with that..... I can't see them taking this up if the republicans successfully get other states to start doing so. Apparently, it's perfectly legal. And yes, that method IS highly susceptible to gerrymandering...... Which is exactly what the republicans have in mind.....


@sukeban: In most states, it is illegal to hunt with an assault style weapon in any event. Or anything with a magazine capacity larger than like.... seven... I think. (some pump action shotguns can hold more...)



As for Adam, rifles in general aren't good for close-quarters, such as in a building. The pistols didn't have extended magazines either, they were standard capacity. (for the weapon.... yes, some pistols hold 15 rounds or more without having to have a longer mag.) I still haven't seen anything stating for a FACT one way or the other on just WHERE the assault rifle was for this incident...... Wonder if I called the cops there, if they would tell me.....

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The thing I was trying to point out is the Democratic party is quite aware of what the republican party is trying to do and are not very worried about it.


Yes in theory Mitt Romney would have won the election if the elector map was split "late" in the election cycle yet the supreme courts would never allow any major changes if the Republican party tried to do this months before election day. But "if" electoral map was split earlier on in the game then political strategist on either side would be able to plan ahead where to campaign and spend money.


"If" the electoral maps were split in PA early enough Democrates in control of RED states would also push for the same kind of legislation in the beltway leading to the Republican party in political disarray ultimately loosing National Elections each year.


This is why the republican party isn't pushing very hard for this. Because If Democrates start doing this in the Beltway the GOP would probably never stand a chance.

Edited by colourwheel
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