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Nifskope fields and flags documentation

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The other day, I was listening to an ancient Youtube by Nightasy regarding Skyrim modding where he mentioned that there was a double sided flag you could set on the lightshader "flag 2" field. On looking at the offered values for this field, I can tell what some mean, but others not, let alone how they are properly used and in what combination. I can kind of go on as I have, figuring things out by hunting and pecking at objects in Fallout on the hopes that one might give a usage example of a nif field value I am interested in. But Geez.


During the past months, I have looked for NifSkope documentation, but what I have found is introductory or fragmentary. Hovering over items in Nifskope yields some terse information, but what I am looking for is more exhaustive technical documentation. I am beginning to suspect that I must search through the nifskope source code looking for programmer comments that document these items, and/or reverse engineer the information by using the binary to xml conversion tool to exhaustively dump the settings of all the nifs so that I can better find examples of field usage I am interested in.


But before I do that, does anyone know of a document that states the kinds of information that hovering over items in a NiNode gives you, only with greater detail and more thorough coverage?


If there is none, surely someone knows a Bethesda type friendly comrade who can copy paste out the docs on this stuff- however informally recorded. The community can then go on to make it pretty.

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