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Searching for a combat improving mod...


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So, this mod most likely already exists, but I can't find it anywhere.

When you use shouts or spells during a fight, and they hit allies (guards, villagers, or almost any other non-follower, non-hostile npcs) they will start attacking you.

Same when accidentally striking allies with a weapon during battle.


I'm searching for a mod, which enables that during a fight, any attacks will not harm nearby friendly npcs, but only damage the enemy waves. As soon as their are no more enemy npc's in the area, ally npc's can be damaged again. All I really wan't is too be able to get into a fight or kill a dragon in the middle of a village without killing everyone else and having to load an earlir save-point due to a 50000 bounty.


Maybe I'm just being sloppy and this is actually integrated as a Skyrim option, or this is popular mod, but could anyone post a link if their is any?

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