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Phew, I haven't been on a forum for years. Just to tell ya my inexperience here.


So let's get this started: I'm sick and tired seeing 'nude mods', and perverted armor *if you call a light cloth over your `chest, armor? Just directly belittling 'us sheilas' almost like an advertisement that jest because some of us are `pretty that we're sluts! (Excuse my `misunderstandings if anyone tries to correct my dislike with the mods.)


I'm not a modder for two reasons: 1) My pc doesn't work good and I haven't the slightest penny to go out and buy a expensive pc or video card. Secondly, Skyrim plays better on the Xbox360 despite the `wonderful modifications on PC Skyrim has.


While searching for 'fantastic armor for the female chars', I found a mod that was made for Oblivion.


This picture be the main example of the 'cool nonperve' mods I'm talking about. http://modsreloaded.com/downloads/dq7mo80x67/aavsrh6xqi.jpg


*By the way, the second picture I attached to this post. Is only an example of a Mage or Mara appearence Idea. The picture is not made by me and was found on Yahoo Image Search. I Do Not know if it came from another game.*

Edited by TerronScibe
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Since you are using an XBox, I cannot understand your objections to the currently available mods as you cannot use them anyway. One of the guidelines here is that if you don't like it, don't download it and pass in silence.
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