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Ravenhall Arena


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So, you had another dispute about the Skyrim correctional system with the long arm of the law? Perhaps the guard slipped you a note this time round. Riverwood bridge, NOW. No tail. Someone is looking for assorted scum for a little gambling operation and a cold hearted antisocial chicken murderer/sweetroll thief/barrel thief like you is exactly what they need.


In short, you get to teleport with them to their top secret abandoned-village-arena-battlefield and either bet on or participate in a few rounds of fighting.


What makes this arena unique?


- Interactivity. This means traps among other things. You even get rewarded for punting enemies into traps. Other interactive objects (The Thunderball is a stolen dwemer plasma ball thing mounted on the roof of a ruined well. Get near it and you get bugzappered. Also works with opponents, and you can flip a switch to make it emit big lightning bolts that hurt enemies near the well).

- Enemies with random perks. Boss enemies with their own perks and fighting style.

- Survival against tough opponents or time attack against cannon fodder. Keeps track of your record time.

- Special modes where you have to force enemies into traps, fight during bad weather, or a free for all mode with scoring based on damage dealt.

- Immersion: you only get in by getting arrested. They don't want nice guys.




Coming soon!


(No, I haven't cancelled Thalmor Rule... ;) )

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Meanwhile I did cancel Thalmor Rule. Despite several tries I managed to contact exactly 0 voice actors, making the whole thing pointless and freeing me up to work on this instead. I'll have to scale back the dialogue here too of course.
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I actually scrapped the arena layout again and started over. The original was too cramped and full of loopholes where you could jumping puzzle your way up to the rooftops or out of the arena.


Meanwhile the script that extends the script that extends the quest functionality script is 428 lines long. After refactoring. There is a function with 9 arguments and it would have been 21 arguments without subfunctions. Woah. But once I'm done *rubs hands* I can take over this silly planet set a few numbers and create a new match type including rounds, number and type of opponents, full or limited spawn point pool, traps on/off, win conditions (time/kills/trap kills), gold bonus criteria, opponent and player spells (read: handicap), opponent perks etc etc etc.




12 Game Modes


Against the Odds

Defeat 15 random enemies.



Defeat 3 waves of 4 enemies each in a very tight spot.


Bow Instagib

Fight 5 archer enemies. They kill you in one hit, you kill them in one hit but only with arrows, they are immune to everything else.



Fight any of the other famous larger than life gladiators with their own unique moves: The Bulk, Jugglenaut, Frazzle, ...



A jumping puzzle above town while under fire.


Giant Enemy Crab

Reenact a famous battle that actually happened in ancient Elsewyr. Attack its weak point for massive damage.


Half-Minute Hero

Kill 8 slaves within 30 seconds, otherwise you lose.


Poke Battle

You start on a platform facing the ranged enemies on another platform. You can't get to them, but you can attack them with ranged abilities.


Serpent Mark

You are up against 5 opponents, however you cannot damage them and they cannot damage you. Instead, you start with a "Serpent Mark" which kills you after 45 seconds. The mark is passed on when the afflicted actor hits someone else, without resetting the timer. Repeat until only one survives.


Sneak Mission

You spawn separate from the enemies. Kill them without getting detected.


Trap Carnage

Kill 5 opponents using only environmental traps.


Wild Hunt

Dress up as Hircine, summon wolves and ruin some poor sap's day. The opponents are not going to fight back, but do have lots of health and you are on a timer.

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Yes - there's a small "just showing up" reward, but you get bigger rewards for acing an event (based on time for straight up combat events, damage avoided for the gauntlet/crab events, etc) and the rewards scale with character level.


I'll post screenshots next week or so. Right now all shared code and non-event code is implemented and about half of the events are functional, albeit on a large flat map. I should be able to finish all of the event code this week, then implement the actual new map layout and enemies (ie the stuff you can actually take pictures of) next week.

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I'll post some screenshots of House Brule soon. It's the indoors battleground for the Beatdown event and it features two large oil pits with dwemer healing beams over them. They are an attractive objective for opponents at low health, but hit a nearby switch and fwoooooomm. (It works both ways: when you are healing, they will beeline for the switches) There is also an oil slick which causes actors to slide in the direction they are moving.


Currently working on the Catacombs, the battleground for Trap Carnage underneath Ravenhall which has travelling lightning and disappearing floors and you can open a door to release rats. Also, Bow Instagib is on an artificial ice floe that slowly melts.

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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This is Arthaalach. It is where mage battles are fought. It is technically located in Ravenhall village, albeit on another plane. :rolleyes:




House Brule, where Beatdown takes place. Hit that switch in the foreground and the fire occurs. Even without fire it is a pretty spooky place what with the swinging lanterns and faint glow of fire.



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