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you can also open up photoshop (I imagine this will work with GIMP, too) and start a new image file. The program will open a blank file at the size of your screen resolution, and you can then just hit CTRL-V to paste your screenshot right in, and there ya go.


When you hit PrntScrn, windows saves the image on your scratch disk, or clipboard or whatever...as long as you don't "copy" anything else between hitting prntscrn and ctrl-v, you'll be good.


GIMP is a free download, and a pretty decent poor man's photoshop.

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*sigh* I appreciate your help, I really do, but all I need to know is the location of the screenies I take when I press Printscreen. I get a little notification when I take one, and that it's been saved :/


And I have no idea where its been saved!

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*sigh* I appreciate your help, I really do, but all I need to know is the location of the screenies I take when I press Printscreen. I get a little notification when I take one, and that it's been saved :/


And I have no idea where its been saved!

Try running the game as admin.They should end up in your Fallout 3 folder then.

Also try enabling show hidden files and folders.Open any folder click on organize,click on folder and search options,click on view tab,tic show hidden files and folders click apply.Then go to user name, app data folder, open local folder and search through the virtual store folder.Some have found theirs in the virtual store.

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I use Xfire to take screenshots. It is a very useful program. It's primarily a chat program with game compatibility in mind, but they've added a lot of features. It even has a video recording feature, but I haven't tried it yet.
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