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7 Days To Die

Mod Request: Journal or personal notes


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Hi zombie apocalypse survivalists,

As a survivalist in many occasions I have found my self wandering the waste zombie land, suddenly I find a camp place, a spot hideout, etc., a place where to pass the night, sometimes such place became a secondary basement. Then I decided to leave and keep forward on my journies, I try to remember the exact location as: "the place where are tree trees and a large rock" for example, but If you travel long enough suddenly you find you forget about the exact place.

As a simple suggestion would be cool to have a personal notebook, notepad, journal, to take simple notes. Sometimes the gameplay experience can be so rich in details wants me to start writing a short story journal...

I know such mod it might be complex to do but I guess it can be created, it depends on the game engine and scripts. I would create such mod by myself If I could, I'm learning about coding a bit, and with time maybe I could manage on create something, but right now If someone have the knowledge to create such mod with some similar concept it would be so cool!


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I always thought that a journal would be a great addition to the game. And the zombie apocalypse thing needs a lot of planning for sure. Suffer that mother journaling the game without a lot of realism and also keep the gameplay organized. Maybe I'm just a journal freak when it comes to such matters as I love keeping everything written down and I have a lot of journals in my room and office. Recently I bought a planner that was such a well-designed, it literally save me hours of extra work and It's definitely one of the best journals I have ever had in my possession.

Edited by ClIode24
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  • 3 years later...

I get what you mean about the struggle to remember locations in the zombie wasteland. It's like every spot can become a potential safe haven or hideout, but they all start to blend together after a while.

I once played a game where I had to jot down notes on paper outside the game just to remember where I left supplies or found shelter. Having an in-game notebook or journal would've been a game-changer—it could store details like landmarks or hidden stashes for future reference.

If you're diving into coding and game modding, you might find tools like notesonline.com helpful for organizing ideas and coding snippets. It's awesome that you're learning coding—I'm sure with time, you'll be able to craft your own mods to enhance your survival adventures.

Edited by Subcentz
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