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Troubleshooting my load order; Game crashing


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Hi Nexusmods.

I'm fairly new to modding my games and I've chosen Fallout 4 over Skyrim since I now have a chance to experience modding this particular game after years of getting held back by lacking the means to do so. Used to do 100+ mods on Skyrim without a problem but now I'm barely hitting 100 plugins and there has been problems that I cannot look or find.

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm
9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm
10 a HUDFramework.esm
11 b NAC.esm
12 c Arbitration - Resources.esm
13 d Loads.esm
14 e NewCalibers.esp
15 f SimSettlements.esm
16 10 PANPC.esm
254 FE 0 Flicker Fixer.esp
17 11 PlayerComments.esp
18 12 PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp
254 FE 1 spacefiddle_Follower-Stealth-Distance-Fixes.esp
19 13 CBBE.esp
254 FE 2 FAR.esp
20 14 VisibleWeapons.esp
21 15 Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp
22 16 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
23 17 NAC-FarHarbor.esp
24 18 NAC-NukaWorld.esp
25 19 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
26 1a Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
27 1b KSHairdos.esp
28 1c Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
29 1d Lots More Facial Hair.esp
30 1e AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
31 1f DYNAVISION.esp
32 20 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
33 21 Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
34 22 PA-Quick Animations.esp
35 23 PlayerComments_PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul_Patch.esp
36 24 Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
37 25 LongRangeBulletHoles.esp
38 26 ShellRain.esp
39 27 Binoculars.esp
40 28 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
41 29 K9TacticalHarness.esp
42 2a WastelandFashion.esp
43 2b WastelandFashionAccessories.esp
44 2c More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
45 2d Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp
46 2e Realistic_conversations.esp
47 2f SOTS.esp
48 30 BostonFPSFixAIO.esp
49 31 3DNPC_FO4.esp
50 32 LBPAC.esp
51 33 Better Locational Damage.esp
52 34 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
53 35 BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp
54 36 MojaveImports.esp
55 37 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
56 38 Integration.esp
57 39 3dscopes-replacer.esp
58 3a Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
59 3b PlayerComments_UFO4P_Patch.esp
60 3c Campsite.esp
61 3d Depravity.esp
62 3e Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
63 3f America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp
64 40 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
65 41 PaladinBaileyRedRocket.esp
66 42 AA FusionCityRising.esp
67 43 W.A.T.Minutemen.esp
68 44 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
69 45 UniqueUniques.esp
70 46 PlayerComments_3DNPC_FO4_Patch.esp
71 47 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
72 48 NukaMarkers.esp
73 49 DOOMMerged.esp
74 4a ImprovedBoSRedux.esp
75 4b ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms.esp
76 4c ProjectValkyrie.esp
77 4d FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
78 4e llamaCompanionHeather.esp
79 4f AtomicRadio.esp
80 50 LBPAC AWKCR Patch.esp
81 51 CF_AtomicWarlord.esp
82 52 Immersive Fallout - Movement (DLC).esp
83 53 RAW INPUT.esp
84 54 Immersive Fallout - Real Recoil (DLC).esp
85 55 Immersive Fallout - Realistic ADS (DLC).esp
86 56 Immersive Fallout - Realistic Jumping.esp
87 57 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp
88 58 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp
89 59 Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp
90 5a Weapons of Fate.esp
91 5b Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp
92 5c Better Perks.esp
93 5d Better VATS - 0.75.esp
94 5e NoCombatMusic.esp
95 5f Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 30.esp
96 60 Better Explosives.esp
97 61 BE_Enhanced Grenades.esp
98 62 ImprovedBoSRedux-Vertibirds.esp
99 63 Armorsmith Extended.esp
100 64 llamaCompanionHeather-AE Patch.esp
101 65 RaiderOverhaul.esp
102 66 Synth Overhaul.esp
103 67 SuperMutantRedux.esp
104 68 SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp
105 69 Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
106 6a StartMeUp.esp
107 6b PlayerCommentsStartMeUpPatch.esp
254 FE 3 Bashed Patch, 0.esp


  • Reinstalled all of my mods an hour ago after cleaning select mods and making a bashed patch last night. It was crashing last night.

  • Game went smooth, played around 30 mins.

  • Game started crashing after getting the first Power Armor at Concord, specifically when the shootout happens and the Deathclaw emerged.

  • I tried uninstalling Weapons of Fate, it worked but when entering the Museum and exiting, at the loading screen it crashed.

  • I have not cleaned my mods now. Just made a bashed patch.

  • There are 3 key areas where I experienced crashes: Near the Gunners bridge area while starting at some chapel through Start Me Up. This one crashed instantly for me; Concord, Minutemen museum. Deathclaw trigger crashed my game once; After removing Weapons of Fate since I saw crashing during firefights, it crashed when I finished the instance and leaving the Museum. Just now, discovered crashing on the Diamond City entrance, did not crashed on a second try but it crashed by going to some Super Mutant infested area near DC.

  • Another set of reinstalling ones while following some of BiRaitBec's little mods on his modlist while removing Scrap Everything, Live Dismemberment and Extended weapon mods made the crashes faster. Especially on Sanctuary.

  • Using ENBoost with 16gb RAM appropriate settings

  • Using BethINI recommended tweaks on high.

Questions will be answered ASAP and with priority in ensuring I get more knowledge in optimal mod installing and fixing this problem ASAP. Thank you very much!


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I looked at the list. Lots of potential conflicts there, but nothing jumps out at me. You do have a lot of older mods. (Realist Death Physics hails from 2016 and has 6 unresolved bug reports. Arbitration is also from 2016 and has 5.) You should be aware that the numerous updates before 2020 made many of the older mods obsolete or buggy. The number of endorsements is not a reliable guide for older mods. I would remove those that fall in this category. If that doesn't help, start looking for conflicts. The newest version of Vortex is pretty good at finding these.

Edited by Wererommel
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I looked at the list. Lots of potential conflicts there, but nothing jumps out at me. You do have a lot of older mods. (Realist Death Physics hails from 2016 and has 6 unresolved bug reports. Arbitration is also from 2016 and has 5.) You should be aware that the numerous updates before 2020 made many of the older mods obsolete or buggy. The number of endorsements is not a reliable guide for older mods. I would remove those that fall in this category. If that doesn't help, start looking for conflicts. The newest version of Vortex is pretty good at finding these.

Good day sir.


I'm using MO2 as we speak. And in my understanding, the program holds all of my mods and not the Fallout 4 game folder itself. Is there a way to transfer mods from MO2 to this Vortex that you speak of? And yes. I will try to remove these mods as well. Though I must mention I'm using Buttoned Lowered Weapons and it needs the Arbitration ESM file.

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Not 100% sure because I don't use MO, but the mods are normally stored in steamapps>common>Fallout 4>Data. You can copy them to the Desktop and install them manually from there.


Arbitration and Buttoned Lowered Weapons may not be the problem. There have been no bugs reported with Buttoned Lower Weapons.

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Not 100% sure because I don't use MO, but the mods are normally stored in steamapps>common>Fallout 4>Data. You can copy them to the Desktop and install them manually from there.


Arbitration and Buttoned Lowered Weapons may not be the problem. There have been no bugs reported with Buttoned Lower Weapons.


I'm still troubleshooting because with every move it seems getting worse for me I think

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I use MO2 as well. Wouldn't play without it. You've got a lot of resource intensive mods, many adding more NPCs. Since it's your first time modding FO4, I'd trim down that list at least on your first playthrough. And the settlement system in my experience has made FO4 a bit trickier to get stable than Skyrim. You've got a lot of mods I've never heard of. Check the bug forums of your various mods. You've got a large number of really big quest mods. I'd eliminate some and save them for a separate playthrough. Several gameplay overhauls. It's just a really heavy mod list. Trim down the heavy hitters and run them all through FO4Edit to check for conflicts.

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