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CBBE - v3-2-2666-3-2-3


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I tried looking for an answer by searching these boards but the threads I found was about neck seams and using CBBE with other body texture replacers.

So here goes.



If you're an adult and can cope with seeing a naked rendered woman in a game from behind, download the attached .zip.

If not, close this thread now!


That settled, lets continue with my problem.

I have installed CBBE v3-2-2666-3-2-3 as per instructions only using the default Texture/Mesh.

And I have no other mods installed.


The image shows Lydia with me standing at some distance.

As you can see there are black lines which shouldn't be there.(or atleast I don't think they should)

1: Between feet and ankle(gap actually)

As I thought this could be similar to the neck seam problems I ran the texBlend tool, but that didn't do any difference.

2: Buttocks(where the underwear should be normally)

3: Left shoulder.

4: The line from the shoulder continues over the shoulder.


Anyone else noticing this and have a solution at hand?

Thanks in advance.


PS. Please don't suggest I'd use UNP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say, nice katana!


Nice to see I'm not the only one having this issue.

I wouldn't go as far as saying the game is unplayable though. Just annoying, but that's not Caliente's fault.


From high sources I got the recommendation to look at my anisotropic filtering settings.

I had that setting maxed at 16, if you haven't you could try increasing the setting.


However my computer couldn't handle the rest of the game with anisotropic filtering set to 16 so I had to lower it.

I noticed then that the lower anisotropic filtering made the lines visible much closer to the mesh.

Tweaking the hardware in windows didn't do anything either, nor did increasing texture quality.


Perhaps you have better luck.


Caliente told me she would look into this to see wether or not something is amiss with her mesh.

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thanks for the tip I'll definitely try increasing that.




I installed the UNP body just to see if any of these lines appeared on that body, and they do. as far as I know this issue has nothing to do with Caliente's textures or meshes. Quality as usual. However I have yet to figure out why these black lines are showing up on our bodies.

Edited by Ignacious
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  • 3 months later...

I just installed CBBE-v3-2-3 yesterday. Even tho I have NMM I had to download manually and then put in the mod manager. (have to do this for all my downloads, NMM enabled or not.) I got it installed and active but cant see it in my plug ins list or data files list. now my char has gaps at wrists and ankles and nips n naughty bits are missing. Any suggestions?

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I just installed CBBE-v3-2-3 yesterday. Even tho I have NMM I had to download manually and then put in the mod manager. (have to do this for all my downloads, NMM enabled or not.) I got it installed and active but cant see it in my plug ins list or data files list. now my char has gaps at wrists and ankles and nips n naughty bits are missing. Any suggestions?


I wont use NMM, so I have no idea why it wouldn't work that way - according to users in the past, simply activating the mod with NMM should make the installer come up. As it apparently doesn't work for you, install manually. The mod page has links to visual guides of how to do so without issues. You will not see a plugin, as there is no need of one.

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