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Clay pipes?


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I saw the Hobbit the other day, and it got me thinking. I'd like my character (and NPCs of course) to have those long-stem clay pipes like Bilbo Baggins had in when he met Gandalf the first time in the movie. Also, like Gandalf had when he gave a puff to [that other wizard whose name escapes me] to calm him down (and make him crosseyed). Animations to smoke the pipe would be nice too. Bilbo did something interesting when he covered the bowl with his fingers - I don't smoke pipes so I have no idea what that was supposed to be about, but an animation that included of that would be amusing.


Does anyone know if a mod like this exists? I know there is a mod that adds pot plants and bongs, but I'd rather just have the pipes and associated tobacco products without all the folderol (yes, that's a real word).

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I've been trying to convert the "longpipe" in the Cannabis mod to a circlet, but the mesh lacks the skin instance required to follow the movement of the head. I'm wondering if I might be able to add it by hand, by using a hex editor and copying the vert array and the tri array from the TriShapeData node. Anyone ever tried this?


Anyone know of any other mods that include pipes?

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