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Placing a dead NPC


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I know there are other topics dealing with this issue but they appear to be on the New Vegas board and the solution is to disable a feature that isn't present in the GeckCustom.ini file for the FO3 version of the GECK.


All I'm trying to do is really simple.


I'm trying to place a dead child NPC in the water off the deck of Rivet City, to go with the dialogue you hear occasionally walking around the place (something along the lines of, "Remember that kid that fell off the deck last week?")


I know you guys might be thinking that is very grim, it's true, but the world of Fallout is a grim world.


Anyways, I've placed this NPC, set the health to zero, ran the Havok sim. Nothing.


I've made sure he isn't set to essential, so he can die. He does die when I shoot him. But he doesn't spawn dead.


I tried the script


Scn RivetCityKid

begin onload




And it works, except for the fact he isn't in the area I placed him.


So how would I go about making an NPC spawn dead in the area where I placed him?

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