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New weapon Your thoughts


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hi all, been busy in 3D max, and almost competed a new sword.

what do you think of the colors?, and general weapon design?, what will you chance








also how much damage will be fair?, i try to keep it in balance

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Some sculpt layers will help you get detail there, the edges need to look like an edge of a blade as now it doesn't look like anything. I kinda think the color scheme conflicts a lot unless you're going for an oriental themed dagger then it fits.
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Especially the blade needs more details / normal map...might look ok in 3rd person but horrible in 1stperson view.

And the colors could be too bright, you have to test it ingame when the mesh is finished - in my opinion darker colors work better ingame because the game engine adds various shader effects, cubemap, specular map and so on.

Edited by ghosu
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ah, yes those colors.

my own fault i edit on the wrong Material in D3 Max, witch make the colors after editing 20% more brighter..... :wallbash:














witch of the 3 textures sudden i use for the ornament?.


I have Marmer, Green Steel, and dark rusted Steel placed on it.



Edited by Wouter445
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What program are you using for your textures? My recommendation would be get mudbox and photoshop or GIMP with the dds plugin you can achieve more than you would than using 3dsmax etc.


Out of curiousity how many faces does this mesh have?

Edited by Amasido
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