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Enemies/Player attacking too fast


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Just rebought the game for myself(used to share it with my brother), and started playing. Well, for some reason, whenever I go into third person, and click repeatedly(to try to get one attack after the other), my character ends up actually doing damage like 10 times, before the animation can catch up. Same issues happening with bandits right now, and I can't kill the bandit chief, because he hits me like 60 times in a row. Its frustrating, and I can't figure out why its happening, I've already turned off all my combat mods.
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hopefully, Its a timescale problem. See if you can open the console and change the game time.


set timescale to 20 (default game time)



If that doesn''t work, goto STEAMypile and validate your game files. IT happened to me loong ago. I just reloaded my game ... and all 175 mods. hopefully, we can get yours back up without all that drama :)




I was reasding some notes I had about duo cores. AMD has a patch to correct DUO core issues similar to what you are experiencing. I don't know if it will help or not



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