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Game freezes during semi-intensive situations.


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I've started playing skyrim again after taking a long break from the game. I've completely deleted all my previous saves and started a fresh new mod loadout with between 100-150 mods at the moment. The load order and actual mods function perfectly so far and I've used optimizer textures to downscale all HD textures to x1024 since I only have a GTX560 1GB card and 6GB system RAM. I've monitored my ram usage in-game and while I used to max out on RAM before downscaling my HD textures with the optimized I now rarely get above 90% RAM use, which to my knowledge is perfect since there is no stuttering and not much untapped potential. I have been noticing that during action heavy moments in the game my screen freezes and I am forced to CTRL+ALT+DEL out. I have no idea why this is happening and so far I've encountered the problem 3 times.


The first time was when I was in fresh new game's character creation(I have the new Race Menu mod) screen and cycled through the options rapidly.

The second time was when I was inside Helgen Keep and the screen froze in the middle of the initial first encounter with the two opposing enemies in the first circular room.

The third time was when I was in Whiterun attempting to use the forge and I cycled down in the crafting screen a bit quickly and the game screen froze again.


All three times the game music continued to play but I was unable to perform any action and the actual visual screen was completely frozen and the game did not resume for a little over two minutes(at which point I terminated TESV.exe)

Edited by Tumri
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Hi there,


This is a pretty big problem for quite a few people, and unfortunately no one seems to have an answer on why it happens. A couple things though, your load order seems a bit out of whack, you should download and use BOSS, it helped me quite a bit. Also, while warzones is an awesome mod, it was only usable for me if it was the ONLY mod I was running, otherwise the game was constant freeze fest, I had to give up on it.


So my suggestion is use BOSS, remove warzones, and see if it helps at all. I still freeze fairly often though, and have a pretty beastly computer (16GB Ram, GTX 670 4GB, i5-3500k, SSD etc.) I use the texture compressor as well, use gamebooster, and have tried a million different things, but cannot figure out why it keeps happening.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the reply.


I had no idea my load order was wonky. I had figured that if I put graphical enhancements near the end, gameplay changes in the middle, and armors/items and bug fixes at the top that it would work out best but BOSS changed my load order immensely. The list now looks sort of messy from an organizational standpoint but judging from the testimonials on the BOSS Nexus page it works out well.


I'll try disabling Warzones and see if it helps. I absolutely adore the mod so if that's the problem then I'll be a bit sad but whatever. If your computer can't handle it then mine definitely can't. (i7 [email protected], 6GB RAM, GTX 560 1GB, and a regular WD HDD)


One thing I noticed is that the Warzones ESM had a lot of "Dirty Edits" when I ran BOSS. I have no idea what that means but it might have something to do with the freezes.

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