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What about if you do good things for bad reasons ... i.e. do Striker mini-games fill the bill??


I'll keep your "role play" Morrowind idea in mind, but I'm pretty sure that when/if that comes to pass it will be Morroblivion (there is no way I'm a chance based type ... too far gone in the timed block/wait for the opening to strike camp for that). That way I can role play being me in a different location.


Not too dissimilar to that Strange Door I went through a while back.


How are you and MO2 getting along so far?

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Hell yea ! Anything counts as long as you do it different each time. (like challenges). And of course don't do something you simply think is too far outdated to ever be fun again. I'm the same way about certain things. You most likely should only do MorrOblivion, but even within that... its another role play is all I am saying. But you're making that role play catered more to the times is all. Thats understandable. But some things inevitably will be different. So the outlook is.. this is just my role play for now. Same if and hopefully when you finally try Skyrim !


I have still been doing research on the procedures I will take. And ultimately I'm waiting with patience because I am having fun playing the game now as it sits... so I don't know if I want to interrupt that or not this instant. I have other games to think about, (I play Red Dead Redemption II as well) and I don't want to mod them. They both come from Steam, so I am finding out in that case you may want to instal Steam on the OS drive, but out of the Program folders still. Either way you can steer each game install to different locations. And I am hearing if you are not going to mod a game, you should just leave it where Steam likes to instal.


So right now I am just talking to them over there about it. Ultimately they said it doesn't matter. Got one mod author guy said he has steam installed on D, works fine, another has it installed on C, works fine. Both though have modded games on D no matter what and unmodded games on C default.


Hey, not to change the subject, but how are you when it comes to PC Windows 10 64 knowledge just in general ? Outside of games. Maybe you could help there ?

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~ snip ~


So right now I am just talking to them over there about it. Ultimately they said it doesn't matter. Got one mod author guy said he has steam installed on D, works fine, another has it installed on C, works fine. Both though have modded games on D no matter what and unmodded games on C default.


Hey, not to change the subject, but how are you when it comes to PC Windows 10 64 knowledge just in general ? Outside of games. Maybe you could help there ?


To use one of my favourite words yet again ... a dinosaur.


From DOS all the way to WinXP I'm not only pretty darned good (if I do say so myself) but I also have at least one of those horkin' big thick "everything you wanted to know but didn't know to even ask" books (the only 4 Dummies books you'll find in the Striker Manor are C++ and Visual C++ books from back when I still hadn't faced reality).


I'm stumbling along pretty good these days in Win 7 without one of those "Inside Out" books, but I also don't mess with the OS as much anymore. Install it, tweak it using Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guides Tweaking Companion as a rough guide, and pretty much leave well enough alone. Back when I worked and spent more time and money building machines (WinXP) I'd use my annoted printed off copy of the WinXP guide (highlighted, notes in the margin ... whole nine yards). For the Win 7 replacement install on this machine I just had the Win 7 guide up on my tablet while setting up Win 7 on this box.




If you have a specific question ask. If I don't know I'm well known for saying "I don't know" but if you were to ask that same question on the Hardware and Software Discussion forum HeyYou is pretty regular for checking in and pretty knowledgeable on hardware and OS matters.


I've watched a number of RDR2 videos, and it does look like an interesting game. I'm not into that "bullet time" type stuff but it does seem like there is more than just story (i.e. alternative paths that can be taken).


I do tend to gravitate towards complicated.

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Ahhh gotcha. Ok. I am mainly looking for a Wndows 10 guru and specifically the latest versions cause sadly I am noticing from tutorials online that they differ a touch.


I am looking for the kinda complex ways of totally de-bloating the OS properly for vigorous gaming. I did lots of what some really good people say, but I am unsure certain things are doing anything. For instance I can't keep windows from updating certain things. Even though I followed the advanced Group Policy Editor ways of disabling it totally and permanently. Its like it won't auto update windows itself anymore thank god, but the other day it had some update of some OS security thing or something already downloaded and said it would instal next restart. Which was unavoidable.


I also have all the security/windows defender etc.. completely turned off. And I use ESET and AntiSpyware Pro manually to be safe.


The easier stuff is, I want to know how you format drives on Windows. Mac is easy, I launch "Disc Utility" and use that. In windows I can't find apps as easy, cause IDK, the way its set up is just weird IMO. Nothing is obvious. Like you gotta dig.


Anyway, back to the real de-bloating tweaks - Countless and countless videos from advanced windows gurus say.. you have to use GPEdit to disable updates permanently. Ok.. well I followed their instructions, yet windows still did something. What else can I do ? Did I do it wrong ? Also like I said, the tutorials did not show exact way my list of options look like. Maybe due to the version I'm on. ?? IDK man, so frustrating.


The good news, is, honestly everything is running fine. So. Maybe I should take your advice and "let good enough be". But I'd like to make sure I'm at the best I can be.

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Now you are circling some of the points I have for sticking with Win 7. I consider Win 7 to be the final PC operating system Microsoft has released. Win 8.0 and up are what I like to call Phone/Tablet OS's. The other thing I deplore is the "business model" used by MS for those later OSes ... data mining. Why do you think they have gone to great lengths to prevent you from turning stuff off.


Inhibits their revenue stream.


I still stick with my recommendation for the Hardware and Software Discussion thread. Especially after all this time since you started this thread, the only way HeyYou might see your queries concerning Win 10 is a new thread, and if you look through that forum you'll see he's active in helping out there (and Hey has far more current hands on dealing with Windows issues than I have these days).


On Win 7 it's Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management -> right hand panel More Actions -> All Tasks -> Format...

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Oh yes you are right there. Mac and Microsoft don't even try to hide that fact anymore. They specifically advertise the new OS's are a seamless feeling between your mobile devices and desktop. Me personally I don't like it, as I like the separation. But again, I am weird. I am not the masses. And I do have to totally respect the fact someone like my mom for instance actually gets by much better the way the new stuff is integrated.


Ok that all aside. Yes I will take your advice and start up a new thread !


Thanks for pathway to format a HD, I will take a look at that in a sec on my computer to see if its the same on Windows 10. I'll let you know.


Oh so the issue with me and update or not update, current or not current, and if not where, though, is unlike maybe a super old school dude like you set in your ways (and rightfully so cause its working for the most important person - you !). Whereas for me - I absolutely need to stay up to date to a certain extent. Especially when on my Mac running Pro Tools (my business DAW). Reason is, is if I do not I miss out on being able to use some of the latest tools/plugins. And in the audio industry they are making leaps and bounds in quality every year. So its a must. (digital for a long time was not as good sounding as analog, but we are getting to a point now where the debate is over and unanimous - digital is getting that good at emulating analog if that's the sound your looking for which I am).


But it is also a thin line. Because Pro Tools itself needs to be compatible with the OS you are on, in which that OS needs to also be able to run all the plugins of your desired choice. General rule of thumb is you will not miss out on anything at all if you stay 1 to 2 OS's behind. And its actually recommended cause that's about how long it takes Pro Tools to work the kinks out and run smoothly on that said OS. So that's what I do on Mac and I am familiar with staying behind on purpose, BUT I can not stay too far behind. 1 to 2 OS releases max. Which with Apple isn't that much time ! lol


Also, 64bit is seriously important for not only Music apps, but its made games much better too. So there is that as well. So for instance, I won't upgrade my PC OS for quite some time now. BUT I am glad I am on 64bit Windows 10. Its lightyears better than 8 was. 8 was a nightmare. (from what I heard). 7 was the last real Microsoft OS. But realistically moving forward, windows 7 is not for me.


Remember I play other games and I demand 240fps to my 240hz monitor. Its only 2k right now, but in a few months Nvidia 3080 Ti will do 4k@240fps /8k@120fps easy breezy- and gaming on that will be soooooooo smooth. This is my direction passionately. And from what I am reading that tech is moving real fast. They actually already have 1000fps/1000hz stuff out there tested working ! But obviously the affordable market needs to catch up. But its moving quick. 8k @ 240 is like only 3 years away. No way super old OS's will cater to the cards that cater to them specs.


Everything has to work with everything right ? You go buy the best new GPU that can finally handle 4k@240fps, well its not just as easy as saving up for the GPU. No. You need to make sure your processor is up to date enough to handle that. Then its not as easy as them 2 things, you need to make sure the power supply, cooling system, ram, etc.. can all handle that too. And of course then as you update each thing to handle the last , you get to -- Can your OS handle all that ? So I agree with you, the older OS's were better in one sense, but not in one sense and that one sense I desire a lot. Its why I game.


Ram speeds are important too. And only 64bit OS's support the faster ram types and bus speeds, etc.. So again, newest, latest, best is always more future proof for me cause that future seems to always creep up so damn fast ! haha

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I spent a very significant amount of the time that I now spend on here or gaming just staying abreast of the latest, greatest and most stable hardware back when I worked (i.e. had more disposable income). When specing components for a build everything needs to stay in sync ... real world facts get in the way though, so in practice there will always be a bottleneck. The trick is controlling the size of that bottleneck.


In a way my move from WinXP to Win 7 was exactly what you describe ... software driven. It was tax time and the TurboTax I'd been using for years (which had said on the tin that WinXP wasn't supported for a few years ... but it worked) finally didn't work on WinXP. So I cracked open the wallet, allowed a few moths to escape and bought what hardware I needed to change over to Win 7 (I will never use an upgrade path, plus I already had one OEM copy of Win 7 64 bit sitting there, never even unwrapped).


Following the hardware replacements and Win 7 install I install TurboTax and get all the way through my return almost to the final stages. One part for trying to get a credit for my property tax (Canada remember) requires the municipal roll number for my property tax. TurboTax on Win 7 wouldn't accept it. So now I'm into email support tag with TurboTax and of course the person on the other end has no clue. So while I'm waiting for them to find somebody with an answer I happen to look through a copy of the previous year's tax booklet (which includes the paper forms for filing your taxes old school method).


That same page that TurboTax was choking itself on had no field for roll number on the paper form. So TurboTax finally gets back to me with the keyboard codes to override the error and finish filing my taxes. That was also the last time TurboTax received a penny for tax software from me.


So when I'm gaming on my 64 bit OS I guess I really need to give a nod to TurboTax ... they're the ones to blame. And while I was at it buying the hardware for the Win 7 migration I picked up another OEM copy of Win 7 64 bit. Always nice to have backup.

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Wait -- Windows 7 is 64 bit ? I didn't know that. Seems so old to be 64bit. But if that's the case, you should be good for a while. (relatively speaking considering your interests and stuff).


Totally agree, controlling the bottleneck. Cause there always is one somewhere. OMG, haha, what a story.


But the real moral of my long post was (lol) some people need to sort of stay up on modern stuff, and others don't. No wrong or right way. I just happen to be the type that always gets nipped in the butt cheeks if I fall too far behind.


BUT, that's cause I always had Mac. Which is also far less dangerous to stay updated with. As their stuff just always works, no conflicts, etc.. The good new about windows is, it seems their OS's are supported for soooooo much longer than Mac OS's. So I shouldn't have to update my Windows OS for prob 10+ years, and still be able to use the newest components, games, etc.. (in theory by observing the past).

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Yes that is exactly the reason I'm not the "go to guy" I once was on the latest and greatest hardware. When I retired and it became obvious that building new machines would become only as absolutely necessary (as opposed to because I can and that's what I want), the reasons for staying up to date vanished.


Plus I had disappeared down this rabbit hole, and as I said, I've never been one to walk and chew gum at the same time. Back when I first joined here I could spend 12 - 18 hours a day learning new stuff/helping solve problems/consulting with my mentors. Those were heady times!!

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Yea, them rabbit holes are what sucks the fun out for me too ! But there must be some subconscious fun in it, because I keep causing one to pop up ! haha I do this in my quest for that perfect tone of instruments when recording. (which makes this rabbit hole look simple.)


Then I always tell myself, there is no reason to do this, its more about the song you write than the tone. BUT I always love going on the quest I guess, cause I do it again and again. I got so many old school vintage tube pre-amps, compressors, eq's, reverbs, mics, etc.. that took me literally years to find what I want and why, then more years finding it to purchase (cause they are rare and obviously not in production no more).


Thats the biggest rabbit hole. Then of course the day of recording causes for a short rabbit hole as well using the thing you bought the best way possible, etc.. Tone is INFINITE dude. Infinite. I can not express that enough. Luckily with computer stuff, there is less analog soul of variables in it to be such a ridiculous rabbit hole.. As its more cut and dry at least. BUT the staying up to date with latest thing does become the rabbit hole. Just easier to control and accomplish is all.

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