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A small and probably simple mesh request please.


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Hey guys, I'd like to make a request for something really, really simple (but has me tearing my hair out).


What I would like is basically for someone to duplicate the UNP body to create a basic catsuit but keeping the body underneath (I use the lowest weight settings by the way).


I've seen a few catsuit types but they always replace the base body so using any form of transparency (like chainmail for example) goes a bit wonky.


I've tried doing it myself and I'm at the point where I'm swearing (quietly of course) and pulling my hair out (bald isn't a good look for me).


I understand that what I'm supposed to do is import the femalebody_0 file to blender, duplicate it and resize it to be just slightly larger than the base and that's as far as I get.


At this point I'm left with the two meshes made and staring at a screen full of buttons and menus and feel completely lost.


What I want to do is somehow assign a texture (can be anything, I can replace it later) and then export it as a working .nif that I can add to the game via the construction kit, but I'm completely lost.


Could any of you kind souls help me out please?


*Edit* P.s. If this is in the wrong section then my apologies and hopefully a mod could move it to where it belongs.

Edited by davecbi666
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I'd recommend NOT using blender. As bad as it may be, switch to 3ds MAX. It's simpler than blender, and you don't need to keep fixing a bunch of things in the nif. Also, watch nightasy tutorials, they explain really a LOT of things. Exporting is also way easier in there, and since you'll be using the whole body as a base, it'll be half of the work done [no need to open uv and all that]
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