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FNV Honest Hearts Weight issue


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I am trying to play the Honest Hearts DLC & I am at the start & I went ahead & put ALL of my stuff into the shipping crate but I still weigh 192 lbs. basically down to my underwear.

Is there a game file that has a list of items that I can edit?

Or is there a workaround this problem?


Thanks in advance

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Editing should not be necessary. If you are still overweight, then you are not figuring on the weight of less obvious things such as "aid items" (stimpacks, doctor kits, skill books, water, etc.) and "ammo" (if you are playing "hard core"). Also check that "100 pounds of equipment can be taken if you have the Strong Back or Pack Rat perks, or have a minimal Survival skill of 50, or pass the Speech check when talking to Jed Masterson, or pass the Speech check of 50 when talking to Ricky. Without these perks/skill levels, you will have a weight limit of 75."


If you are determined to take your current load, then rather than risks of making edits, use any of the "hammerspace" mods that let you ignore weight limits, such "Portable Tent" or "Virtualized Storage System" by storing things in "alternative dimensional space".



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