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Coming back 2 years out. Why the hate on AWKCR?


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I tried installing AWKCR only, without armorsmith. Ended up installing it anyway, because settlers kept spawning mostly naked, due to some equip slot conflicts.


I think he should either move almost everything (changes to vanilla leveled lists, worldspace changes like stencils, recipe changes) to armorsmith, and leave only the keywords and the benches in there.

Or, just merge AWKCR and Armorsmith and call it something like "Vanilla Equipment Overhaul".

Install Armor and Clothing Overhaul, much better and ligher than Armorsmith.

Edited by Salvinha
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  • 5 weeks later...

I have it installed on every play-through, and although I've had tons of problems over the years with my game, I can't think of any I traced back to AWKCR or AE.

My longest-running game (still completely stable) is Lev. 260+ with over 400 mods installed (many have no esp - just textures - while a bunch are either esl, or I made them 'Light'). Sure, my FPS is in the dumps half the time, but its still stable.


EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, Raiders Overhaul, Unique NPS, SM Redux, etc., and all the other 'optional mods' that Unique NPCs can tie into are staples in my game. I can't imagine playing without them.

Edited by MarkusTay
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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys!


After 2 years out of the modding community, I'm coming back to do a new playthrough of FO4 and see what the new mods have to offer.

Since yesterday, when downloading mods, I could find a trend I didnt see too much 2 years ago, the hate on AWKCR mod.


Well, actually, only 3 mods I love use this AWK resources:

Raider Overhaul

Super Mutant Redux

Unique NPC


As you can see, are not many mods but meaninful ones (big mods). I could set aside AWKCR dependency on some other mods including Raider Overhaul, which has a NO AWKCR version modification in Nexus.


I just want to know if AWKCR really breaks the game (CTDs, freezes, save corruption or performance issues), and it is worth the time trying to finding other mods non dependent on it, or all this hate is directed to the fact that it adds tons of useless stuff (for many users) in the workshop menu and compatibility patches (are they really needed, I think not)?

I'm asking that because today:

- I gave up on Unique NPCs, because after hours of investigation trying to find a "No AWKCR" version I discovered it used assets of AWKCR and that couldn't be done with some real work (could replace it by other mods, which cannot compare but do a pretty decent job).


- Spent hours today searching Raider Overhaul No AWKCR, until I found it and didn't at the same time (because later I found out BLD patch for Raider Overhaul replaces its .esp, bringing back AWKCR dependency, making me find another mod to replace BLD, since I can't play without Raider Overhaul).


- And now I'm here, more hours trying to find a replacement for Super Mutant Redux, even if it is a small mod that only buffs them a bit.


Until I thought to myself: WTH AM I DOING? I SHOULD BE PLAYING BY NOW!!!!!


I see many people complaining about game breaking stuff in AWKCR, but I could feel a lack of honesty in some comments. I used AWKCR years ago and couldn't relate all my save breaking or CTD experiences to that.

I just want to know if AWKCR really breaks the game depending on how many mods you have. It is frustating to have a save game broken after 200+ hours of gameplay because of a mod.

Because, u know... When AWKCR comes in, more compatibility patchs follow it (and for mods which were not AWKCR dependent at first). But I believe these compatibility patches only move the crafting to AWKCR benches. Am I Right? Or not?


Thanks for all your insights.


I've been back on the game for a few months now after a year or two away too, since I finally got a PC that can play it (farewell, Xbox version!) and this is a trend I've noticed as well.


It has made one or two changes that I'm not a fan of, such as what it's done with the decals on combat armour (these seem to be new, as I don't remember them being the same way in the Xbox version - or it could just have been that the Xbox version didn't support them), but I think the good outweighs the bad overall, and it's an indispensable mod for me. Plus, a few other 'essential' mods I use (large and small) depend on it too, so I'm not sure I'd be willing to give it up even if I hated it at this point!


As for claims of it creating stability problems, I haven't had a single issue. I'm not saying that such problems don't exist, necessarily, but as I haven't experienced them myself I can't really get angry a AWKCR for them. I've been very careful about load order and avoiding compatibility issues, though. I haven't noticed any save game problems either - my main character since starting on the PC version is up to around level 120/130 or so now, so that save has some legs on it (I also have fast travel disabled, so it's been an especially long haul)!


Modding a Bethesda game means that your mileage will almost certainly vary, of course...

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