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Baffling sound problem non-existent NPCs can be heard!

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I have an issue with sound FX in a few cells that has me stumped. Never had it before.


When the player enters a new cell through a load door, the sound FX that were made by NPCs in the previous cell can be heard, even if they were so far away from the player when using the door that they couldn't be heard in the previous cell.


At fist I thought I must have accidentally placed an NPC, but no.


As an example, the player leaves an area with friendly Falmer and chaurus. To do so they use a 'Dwemer Transporter' platform that takes them over a lava pit to a Dwemer entrance on the far side. The Falmer and Chaurus can't be heard from there, but go through the load door into the next cell and close to the door you can hear chaurus, Falmer or both. Then part way up a ramp inside the building a dwarven sphere can be heard. The only Dwarven spheres in that cell are a long way off and are ambush actors, so silent at this point.


Even stranger is that returning back through the level, none of these sounds can be heard.



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That is one stupid Skyrim / game engine BUG, and you can not do anything to fix it.

What you are actually hearing is one of the actor's "Conscious invisible Voice Actor" that is placed in that particular spot when the cell is loaded, once the actor / npc that owns that 'Conscious invisible Voice Actor' dies it will stop playing, sometimes leaving and returning to that cell fixes things, but sometimes.

* By having the actors 'Initially Disabled' as i explained in one of your other posts, you can avoid this stupid issue.

* I played a little today the game and i have no mods installed yet, and it happened 3 times in vanilla cells with vanilla actors.

Edited by maxarturo
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That is incredible! I'm probably only noticing it because I'm paying such careful attention while testing.


From what you say it must have happened countless times when I was playing the game but didn't notice. What you say also fits exactly with the voices vanishing when I come back through the same cell. I've got quite a number of NPCs in the cell before. Oddly, the player has 2 exits from that cell and only one causes this bug. I'll experiment with disabling those NPCs using an enable parent x-marker and have it as a quest alias, so I can toggle them on and off at appropriate points. I could see that being tricky, unless I add a script to the load door itself, so that it disables them when activated. That way they should be disabled when the player arrives in the new cell.


An easier solution would be to move the teleport marker out of audio range of the 'ghostly voices'. I can get that to work in one instance. In another it's not possible without adjusting the static layout of the cell to give me the room to plonk the player far enough away without getting detected by enemies. of course, if the voice FX play wherever the player lands, that won't work. Worth a try though to avoid scripting the disabling of lots of NPCs.


Gee, but game engine bugs are a real pain!


You are a real treasure-trove of information!

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