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Skyrim Modding Hopes


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Hello. I am hoping to become an experienced Creation Kit User, but I have no prior programming language. Is there a particular programming language which I should learn before that someone can recommend? Or should I just learn a language (for example Python) which is recommended to total beginners in programming?


I appreciate any help given, thank you.

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I imagine it would depend on what you wanted to do, but for simple creations (like followers and houses) you really don't need anything at all like that.

If you want to create more involved character, quests, new weapons, etc, you might need to learn some scripting, and/or software like 3DS max.


For the simple stuff, just reading the Creation Kit tutorials is a good start. In my (very humble beginning modder's) opinion.

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I'd count myself as "Somewhat experienced" CK user, but I have never cared about learning scripting languages.


Besides, Papyrus might be the only "scripting language" you need when making mods for Skyrim :thumbsup:


As poster above said, it's helpful to read CK tutorials. Though I've never read any. (Fully)

Sometimes I just check some simple things from there, but everything else I've learned via trial, error, and horrible amounts of reverse-engineering.


That being said, you don't become experienced with CK in day, week.

Well, maybe in week, if you fiddle with CK 24/7, and never do same thing twice.


Also, simply reading mod talk and mod troubleshooting is helpful.

I've learned pretty much from those.


ALSO, it's complete nonsense to say you need to know scripting to make GOOD stuff.


If you've tried ERSO, you'd know what I mean.

Not a single simple script has been used to make that mod, and it counts as "Massive Overhaul".


Much things can be done with CK only, but it takes some knowledge, spell effect, MGEF and perk abusing to achieve things. But results are better than with scripts.

Anyway, end of my useless rant.

It's easier to start learning by starting to build something :biggrin:, then I'd know what I'd need to tell ya'. Now I am a bit blundering in the dark.

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