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MysteryMachineX - Formal warning issued

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MysteryMachineX has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Posting a "Wall of Shame" including comments that berate other users and (former) Nexus Mods moderators. Knowling posting it as a Google Doc and providing a link in an effort to side-step our Terms of Service.


Full copy of the comments:



Upon release of this guide, we received almost nothing but hate disguised as concerns over compatibility or toxicity, as we expected. The Nexus has purged these complaints, which is whatever, but they also forbid talking about it. The compromise is that we will write that right here. Here are the following people who harassed us or sided with the harassers. Keep in mind that several are mod authors who felt entitled to authority.


AusAllerWelt: General harassment, claiming that the guide was inherently broken, despite us claiming up front that this guide can break your game (we just think it’s worth it).


Blaydon01: Ableist harassment, who feigned concern for disabled people via a hobbled attempt at making himself out to be scared of polyamory.


Dracarys82: Targeted harassment, who read little more than just the Honorable Mentions section and “criticized” us for spreading misinformation by recommending “bad” mods (that we didn’t even recommend).


Dynorph: Elitist harassment, a child, who attempted to patronize us by claiming that content mods devalue Fallout New Vegas.


Inthegrave: Elitist harassment, “people like us”, enough said.


JimboUK: Nexus moderator, who tried to solve the problem by erasing all history of this harassment, thereby protecting the harassers and their precious modding reputations.


mysteriousman121: Targeted harassment, a liar, who thinks elitists are great actually.


RoyBatterian: Fascist harassment, mod author of TTW, who called the guide a “joke” and then defended himself by saying he has high standards of quality. He smears any TTW mod that doesn’t go through his “standards”, and literally every mod author we’ve ever spoken to who has worked with him has hated him and been harassed by him. He has sought us, targeted us, and made cryptic “jokes” that implied a support for transphobia and/or fascism. He lies, claiming this guide and our patches don’t work (even though we’ll be having literally hundreds of episodes of counter-evidence), and the guy gets off on his own voice. Then banned us from his content for being “disrespectful” (shows his elitist entitlement huh). Also expresses fascist and incel points of view. Snag your files and then avoid at all costs. But know that, if you’re blocked by a fascist, you’re doing something right.


ryanmar: Racist harassment, who thought calling out racism as bad was in itself bad.


tgspy: Elitist harassment, mod author of The Frontier, who criticized our use of mods like NVEC and called the hard work of the mod authors of many of the mods we recommend “garbage”. The entitlement he had over other modders was enormous.


This is why people quit modding. Won’t stop us.





"We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along."


"Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people."


"Complaints against staff action should not be voiced publically and doing so may result in a formal warning or account suspension.

In the event that you feel staff have misjudged a situation and/or unjustly removed a file, or otherwise acted outside of what would be permissible for staff based on our policies and guidelines, you are free to submit a report to the Nexus Mods Community Management Team by contacting [email protected].

Please, be aware that reports against staff are treated very seriously. Misleading and/or fraudulent reports of staff action are considered severe infractions of our guidelines and will result in respective administrative action against the user filing the report.


Our staff and moderators have the right to carry out their duties enforcing our Terms of Service without harassment, insult or hassle. If a user attacks a member of the moderation team in any way they will be banned from our service and may forfeit any right to appeal the decision. "





This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here,




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, MysteryMachineX has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days




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