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Missing Title screen =/


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I downloaded a directX update since it was required for OBGE. before I downloaded the update, launching the game would bring a message saying that d3d9_43.dll or something like that was missing.


downloading the update fixed that, but now I cant play the game because I can't see the cursor or the title screen in Oblivion :ohdear:


does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix this?


Im running Win8, DX11



Edited by Whiskers9991
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Try renaming your Oblivion.ini (NOT Oblivion_default.ini). You will find it in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' (at least that's the location for Vista and Windows 7). Change the name to Oblivionini.old (leaving it in the same folder you found it) and then start the game as far as the menu screen. Exit the game and restart (you may need to reset your video options, as Oblivion doesn't do a very good job of recognizing video cards that hadn't even been dreamed of when the game was last updated).
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Yes you can. I tend to be a packrat, so I have Oblivionini.old1, Oblivionini.old2 ... (but I can't remember the last time I needed one of those 'backups of a backup').


- Edit - Native resolution of your monitor is the best one to use (looks best and will run the smoothest). That is if you are not using an old CRT monitor.

Edited by Striker879
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